King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Bible. It was a dramatic scene. Carlyle calls it “the greatest moment in the modern history o f men.” Those sublime words with which he closed his defense come ring­ ing down the ages with a thrill that puts iron into the blood: “Here I stand; I can do no other: God help me.” The Liturgy of the Mass was in Latin and the singing of hymns in the vernacular was excluded. This gave Luther his opportunity to make music a great force in the Reformation; and taking advantage of the Germans’ love of music, he introduced hymns for the people in the na­ tive tongue, into the church services. It went like wild fire! Luther taught his own congregation to sing hymns, and he wrote and arranged new songs, enlisted his musical friends, Jonas, Eber and others, in writing more, and the flood of Reformation music swept all before it. Argu­ ments could be met with counter arguments—but the songs not only carried the message in the words but also stirred the emotions, satisfied the heart, blended wills and allayed criticism. ♦ E ffect O f H is M usic In Reformation influence the effect of Luther’s music is placed second only to that of his German translation of the New Testament. A Romanist of the time said, “The whole people is singing itself into the Lutheran Doctrine.” And it is the opinion of many authorities that the Reforma­ tion would have been a comparative failure but for the influence of hymn singing. Luther’s greatest hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God,” is a free rendering of the 46th Psalm. Heine called it “The Marseillaise of the Reformation.” Its character is told in its title. Both words and music were written by the_ Great Reformer. Luther was wont to cheer his as­ sociates with this hymn in times of discouragement, espe­ cially Melanchthon, who was of a gentle spirit and given to despondency. At such times Luther would say, “Let us sing the 46th Psalm.” It has been the battle hymn on many a field and was sung by the army of Gustavus Adolphus early in the morning before the decisive Battle of Lutzen. It has been introduced into classic music in the great works of Meyerbeer, Bach and Mendelssohn. The music of this great world crisis naturally took on the stern character of -the time. As Daniel Webster said of the eloquence of John Adams, so it might be said of Luther s music: It was bold, manly and energetic, and such the crisis required.” Thomas Carlyle, in describing p § ||M s. £rea* masterpiece, puts it even stronger in de- scribing it as “the sound of Alpine avalanches, or the first murmurs of earthquakes.” “A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our Helper He, amid the flood


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Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe; His craft and power are great And armed with cruel hate On earth is not his equal.”

S ta rs and Dew-Drops ■Well has Madaren said, “The laws which mould the stars, and move the gigantic orbs of Saturn and Uranus in their, tremendous circuits, shape the dew-drop that glistens at the end of the blade of grass.”

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