King's Business - 1927-12

December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s



■ JUST IN TIME FO R CHRISTMAS --------------

The N a tu ra l S ta te o f M an B y T homas H alyburton (Taken from a book published in 1801. Halyburton was a professor of divinity in the University .of St. Andrews.) HOEVER considers his present condition, will soon see that his great business and chief concern lies in three important inquiries: “What have I done?” (Jer. 8 :6 ); “What shall I do to be saved ?” (Acts 16:30); “What shall I render to the Lord?” (Psalm 16:12). The answer of the first will make way for the second, and that will give occasion for the third. Though wise men have busied their heads and toiled themselves with wearisome inquiries after happiness, yet none of them could ever give men a satisfying answer to any one of these three queries. But what they, by their wisdom, could not do, that God, in his infinite wisdom and unparalleled goodness, has done to the satisfaction of all rational inquirers, in the Scriptures of truth. If it be inquired, What have we done? our text an­ swers, All men. have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. If the question be put, What shall we do to be saved? look at Acts 16:31, and there we are bid “be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and we shall be saved.” In fine, if we ask what we shall render to the Lord for his matchless and unparalleled favor to us, we may turn to Psalm 116:13, and there we are told what to do: “I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.” And much to the same purpose is that of the prophet, Micah 6:8. “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” T h e P reacher ' s P rincipal B usiness The great concernment of gospel-ministers lies in the second inquiry. It is our principal business to persuade men and women to believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to commend our blessed Maker to poor sinners. But since we come not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, it is necessary we lay the foundation in a discovery of man’s natural state. Before we offer Christ, we shall show you need Him; before we tender mercy, we shall endeavor to represent your misery.; before you be called to repentance, we shall shew you are sinners, who stand in need of repentance. The text is a general assertion, in which all stand. The persons to whom sin is attributed are not some single persons, to a seclusion of others, but all mankind. It is not some degenerate wretches in the heathen world; but all, Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, high and low, who have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is not asserted of them that they may sin, that they are infallible, and if artfully plied by a temptation, may be taken off their feet; but that they all are already in­ volved in the guilt of sin, and have thereby come short of the glory of God. The original word, which is here rendered come short is emphatical; it properly signifies to fall short "of the mark one aims at, or to fall behind in a race whereby the prize is lost. Man in his first state was in a fair way for glory; power he had to run the race, and the devil had no power to stop him in it; he had not such weights as we now are clogged with, and

“B est” Books Childhood Bible Stories C olor alw ays m akes a stro n g appeal to children— therefore beautiful p ictu res of Bible scenes are used in em bellishing “Childhood Bible S tories.’’ Good pictu res a n d good sto ries are m ore effective th a n an y th in g else in m olding the c h arac te r of children. T hese books a re excellent fo r g ifts an d rew ards. Boys an d girls will tre a su re them highly. The sto ries a re suit- able for children from four to tw elve years of age.

Bible Stories For Very Small Children Two series of booklets, one on th e Old T estam en t an d the o th er on th e New T estam ent. The fro n t cover is a reproduc­ tion in full colors of a Biblical scene p ain ted especially for these articles by o u r a rtis t. T he pen-and-ink draw ings in each book a d d to th e a ttra c ­ tiveness of th e booklets. They will m ake splendid rew ards for Sunday Schools, o r can be given by teach ers as supple­ m ental lessons. Series No. 500 O ld T estam en t Series No. 510 New T estam en t P acked ten a sso rte d to a package. Sold only in p a ck ­ ages. Five title s in e a c h series. P ack ag e 25c The Child’s Bible By Ella B roadus R obertson Gives a com plete g rasp of the w hole Bible an d contains all th e principal sto rie s and events of th e Bible in th eir h isto ric order. 539 pages and 16 full-page colored illu stra ­ tions. C loth $1.50 The Child’s Life of Jesus By C. M. Steedm an The sim ple, am ple, b u t rev ­ eren t tre a tm e n t of th is g reat them e w ins th e h e arts of ch il­ dren an d helps them tow ards a b e tte r a n d tru e r know ledge of the Savior. Illu strated w ith 16 full-page colored pictu res. 423 p ag es; C loth $2.00 A series of intensely in te r­ esting sto ries fo r children a b o u t th e boys and girls of th e Bible, the tales th a t Jesu s told an d Bible p assag es for repetition. A su b stan tially bound book of 304 pages, co n ­ tain in g six full-page illu stra ­ tions in rich colors. C loth $1.50 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us By C harles F o ste r It con tain s 400 illu stratio n s of Bible scenes, m any of them full pages, w ith brief d escrip ­ tio n s w hich form a com plete h isto ry of the m ain p o rtio n of th e Bible. Sm all children u n ­ able to read will get lessons from its pages. C loth $2.00 Bible Stories for Children

Series No. 1 Books for C hildren from 4 to 6 years of age. 1. T he H eavenly F ath er’s Care. 2. T he Loving C are of Jesus. 3. Loving O bedience. 4. Love Show n by K indness. Each book, size 4% x6 in ­ ches! 32 pages 13 stories, 14 colored illu stratio n s, decorated cover paper. Price, p er dozen, $1.25 (asso rted if d e sire d ); less th an a dozen, each 12c. Series No. 2 Books fo r C hildren from 4 to 6 years of age. 1. O ur H eavenly F ath er’s P ro ­ tection. 2. Jesus, th e H elper an d S av ­ iour. 3. God’s Gifts. 4. Friendly H elpers. Price, p er dozen, $1.20 (a s ­ so rted if d e sired ); less th a n a dozen, each 12c. Series No. 3— Ages 5-7 1. C reato r an d Saviour. 2. P ro tec to r an d Guide. . 3. God’s H ouse of W orship. 4. P ro p h et an d King. P rice each, 15c; in q u a n ti­ ties of 12 o r m ore, each 12c postpaid. Series No. 4— Ages 7-9

1. P ray e r a n d Praise. 2. H elper and Friend. 3. Doing H is W ork. 4. L earning H is W ill.

Size 6x7% inches, 32 pages, Paper, q u arto . P rice each 18 cen ts; in q u an tities of 12 or m ore, each 15 cents, postpaid.

Series No. 5— Ages 9-12 1. The Good News. 2. Good W ill to Men. 3. C hristian H eroes. 4. D aring to Do R ight.

Size 6% x7% i n c h e s ; 32 pages, 13 stories, 14 colored illu stratio n s, d eco rated cover paper. P rice each 22 cen ts; in q u an tities of 12 o r more, each 18 cents, postpaid.

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. Send for a free copy of o p r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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