King's Business - 1927-12


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

December 1927

not dwell with: “Evil shall not dwell with him, nor sin­ ners stand in His sight.” Such is that abhorrence that God has at sin, that when he speaks of it, his heart, as it were, rises against it. “Oh, do not that abominable thing which I hate!” as-in Jer. 44:4. And if yet ye will not see its sinfulness, I will take you where you may see more of it. Go, take a view of it. In the sufferings of Christ. Here is a glass wherein you may see your own face. You think it a little thing that you have sinned; nay, it may be you roll sin “as a sweet morsel under your tongues.” But come here, and see what a thing it is which you thus dreadfully mistake! Come, see it holding the sword; O strange! nay, more, thrusting it into Christ’s side ! Here, sinners, is a sight that made the earth tremble, and the sun to hide his face, as we see, Mat 27:51; Luke 23:45. In this glass you may see: (1) What God’s thoughts of sin are. So highly opposite to His nature is it, that the bowels of affection He had to the Son of His love, whom He so highly hon­ ored, when the voice came from the excellent glory, say-' ing, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” were not able to hold up the hand of inexorable justice from striking at Him, nay, striking Him dead, for the sin of the elect world. Would not that be a great proof, think ye, of the aversion of a parent to anything, if he would rather choose to slay his son, nay, his only son, his son whom he loved most tenderly, than it should es­ cape a mark of his displeasure? Here ‘you may see' more bf the pollution of sin than anywhere else: Never was there anything that gave so just apprehensions’bf the stain of sin, as the death of Christ. An ingrained pollution it must indeed be, if no less will wash it out than the blood of God. (2) Here is a dreadful evidence of the power of sin. Never did this moré appear, than'when it blinded the eyes of the de­ generate sons of meh, so far that they could not discern “the glory of the only-begotten of the Father, Who was go full of grace ánd truth,” Whose divine nature daily beamed, as it were, through that of His human, in mirac­ ulous operations., works, and words, which none but God could do, but God could speak. And no less was the power of sin Seen, when it hurried men headlong into that heaven-daring pitch of impiety, to imbrue their hands m the blood of God. O sinners1 Would you see what sin is? look at it with its hands reeking in the gore and blood of God, and tell what you think of it. T he A ggravation O f S in Either you are believers or unbelievers ; if believers, then it was for your very sins that Christ was killed, it was for your iniquities He was bruised: “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like lost sheep have gone astroy; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all,” saith the prophet in the name of the elect (Isa. 53:5, 6). If you be unbelievers, then you do not believe the witness that Christ gave of Himself, that He is the Son of God; and therefore do practically declare him an imposter, and worthy of death, and so may say of your­ selves, with respect to the Jews’ cruelty, that when they condemned Him, they had your consent to what they did. Your sins have this aggravation, that they are com­ mitted with ut any prospect of advantage, to countervail the damage you sustain. Could ye pretend, that ye can by your disobedience gain some great thing, if it did not excuse you, it would make you to be pitied, as being over-


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