King's Business - 1927-12

T U D Y Your Bible With Us By Mail

Do you long for a more comprehensive know ledge o f the Word o f God? We can help you even though you may no t be able to a ttend the In s t itu te in person. ¿¡Courses of study in Doctrine, Book Stud ies, Chapter Summary, The Gospels, Personal Work, Church Work, Teacher Train­ ing and Supp lem en ta l S tud ies m ay all be had through cor­ respondence a t a very low cost to you. C|Certificate issued upon com p let ion o f each course.

CjJBeg in any t im e ; finish according to am oun t o f tim e you are able to

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g ive to the work.

« I h a v e h e e n very much edified while studying your course, and am now well outfitted to begin m y ministry. “During that stu dyo f the errors, I learned to appreciate Jesus, His Cross and His Blood, the love of God and the Bible more than ever before, and I praise the Lord for the numerous blessings I had by that means.”

Do no t delay!

Send T O D A Y for a descriptive bulletin of A L L C O U R S E S . S P E C I A L O F F E R

^ |T Send us th e nam es and addresses ^ j l o f Jive person s who you believe wou ld also be in te re s ted in Bible s tu d y by correspondence, and we w ill send you a copy o f “ Ch ristm as a t R od - m a n s H ouse,” a beau tifu l Ch ristm as s to ry o f th e re tu rn o f a prod iga l daugh­ te r and th e effect o f h e r sa lva tion upon o th e r m em b e rs o f th e fam ily .

C orrespondence School Bible Institute of Los A ngeles 536 So. H ope St., Los A ngeles, Calif. K indly send descriptive bulletin of Bible C ourses by C orrespondence.


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