King's Business - 1921-01



worth telling me, th a t he thought ‘a per­ son should not go to church to be made uncomfortable.’ I replied th a t I thought so too; but whether it should be the ser­ mon or the man’s life that should be al­ tered so as to avoid the discomfort, must depend on whether the doctrine was right or wrong.” Holding Up Christ Dr.-Payson once said: “Paint Jesus Christ upon your canvas, and then hold Him up to the people; but so hold Him up, that not even your little finger cfan be seen.” .. The E ternal Vision The seraphic Summerfield, just before his death, speaking of his recovery, said: “Oh, if I might be raised again! How I could preach! I could preach as I never preached before. I have taken a look into eternity!” THE SECRET OF REST “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest” (Exod. 33:14). Here are two great thoughts linked together—God’s Presence and Man’s Rest. The Presence is to be the secret of the Rest. The Rest is to be enjoyed in the Presence. What sort of rest is suggested? In Hebrew there are two words for rest. The one speaks of rest after labor. The other speaks of rest in labor, a secret quiet underneath the outward toil. Here this last meaning is before us. Moses is just about to take up th a t tremendous work which was to last forty years; he shrinks from the awful prospect, and dares not face it alone. Then comes the answer from his faithful God. He should not have to face it alone. His eternal Friend should be always with him. The task should be met not by one person, but by two—and the second should be Al­ mighty Love. The Lord Jesus has prom­ ised precisely this to His people now, “Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end.” H. C. C. MOULE-

Righteousness. 2 Pet. 3:13. Rest. 2 Thess. 1:7. Reigning. Rev. 20:3:

II. H. I).


Faithful in all things. Luke 16:10. Responsive to the will of God. Matt. 7:24. Useful in His service. 2 Tim. 2:15. Interested in others:" Phil. 2:3 and 4. True to Jesus Christ. Heb. 10:22. G. H. PAYNE. PREACHING HINTS Taking Aim Here’s a hint for preachers. Take good aim, like a Quaker who once dis­ covered a thief in his house; and, tak­ ing down his grandfather’s old fowling- piece, quietly said, “Friend, thee had better get out of the way; for I intend to fire this gun righ t where thee stands.” Hot Hearts - Richard Sheridan used to say, “I of­ ten go to hear Rowland Hill, because his ideas come red hot from the heart.” Dr. John M. Mason was asked what he thought was the forte of Dr. Chalmers. After a moment’s consideration, Dr. Ma­ son replied, “His blood-earnestness.” A Chinese convert once remarked, in a conversation with a missionary, “We want men with hot hearts to tell us of the love of Christ.” Heart Sermons Dr. Alexander took up four or five huge packages of sermons, tied up in brown paper with whipcord; and, kick­ ing them all playfully over into a cor­ ner, he said to me, “There, Mr. Cuyler, goes the labor of my life. And now, af­ ter twenty years of experience, I de­ clare to you candidly, that, if I could live my life over again, I never would take one of those manuscripts with me into my pulpit. I would take them in my head and heart, and not on paper.” Making People Uncomfortable Bishop Whately once said, “I remem­ ber one of my parishioners at Hales-

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