King's Business - 1921-01

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S restitution of all things.”—Camb. Bi­ ble. There is to be a new birth for man­ kind as well as for the individual when Christ returns in glory.—Horn Com. Shall sit on twelve thrones. What ap­ proximations to literal fulfillment there may be in the future, lies behind the veil. In a t least one point they will fail of literal fulfillment. The guilt of Judas left one throne vacant. The promise was given subject to the implied conditions.— Ibid. v v. 29.' p a th forsaken. There is a sense in which it is a most certain truth th a t a man may leave that which he keeps and keep th a t which he leaves. There can be no doubt th a t this is the sense in which our Lord meant to be understood, for it is clear th a t He is speaking not of a mere outward act but of the disposition from which it pro­ ceeds.—Thirlwall. For my name’s sake. The answer shows th a t all true sacrifice shall have reward but th a t all that looks like sacrifice is not really such. There­ fore “many th a t are first shall be last” (v. 30). Among the twelve there was a Judas.—Carr. v. 30. The last shall be first. Let us beware how we seek to be first. He is most likely to be first who seeks not to be first, who forgets such seeking in the anxiety of his desire to be and to do good in. the name of Christ.—Goodrich. Jesus the Children’s Friend. Matt. 19:13-15. Memory Verse: “Suffer little child­ ren to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16. Approach: I wonder how many of you boys and girls ever received an invitation which the postman brought to you, inviting you to come to a little party or picnic? Per- BEGINNERS haps if you did not AND PRIMARY receive one of this Mabel L. Merrill kind, you got a mes­ sage over the tele­ phone, or some one asked you to come. And O my, how you jumped up and down, and maybe you clapped your hands, because you were so happy. Now let us bow our little heads and thank Jesus for sending us these happy times.


Lesson Story: We have just been talking about some of the good times we have, and now I am going to tell you about some boys and girls who lived down here on earth when Jesus was living here, before He went to heaven, and they had the best and happiest time ever. Jesus was in a place near the river Jordan, and great crowds of people were there with Him a part of the time, and many sick peo­ ple, for they had heard Jesus was there and of course they knew He could cure them p f their sickness and make them well and strong again. We know, how very busy Jesus must have been mak­ ing sick people well, and answering the many, many questions people asked Him. While Jesus was here some fathers and mothers brought their little children to Jesus, th a t He might bless them. The disciples thought Jesus was too busy to give any of His time to the boys and girls, and told the fathers and mothers they should not have brought them. We can just imagine how sad these fathers and mothers must have felt when the disciples told them this, but Jesus heard what the disciples said to them, and He was much displeased (Mark 10:14) at the disciples, and then He said some­ thing th a t took all the sadness away from the fathers and mothers. It was an invitation to the children. It was better than any invitation we ever re­ ceived. Our invitations asked us to come to some party or picnic, and this invitation th a t Jesus gave said come too, but just listen, it said for the children to come to Jesus. O what a wonderful invitation to receive, and the best part of it boys and girls, it is for you boys and girls here today, just as truly as it was to those boys and girls who lived on earth when Jesus did. You see Jesus is the children’s friend, and He wants them to choose Him while they are just boys and girls. You know there are some big folks today th a t do not think boys and girls ought to give

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