King's Business - 1921-01

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S The Lord was gratified with the praise of the children and commended it. He answers them with the question, “Have you not read, Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast per­ fected praise?“ (Psa. 8 :2 ). This was the fulfillment of prophecy which the blind leaders had failed to see. Had the multitude held their peace, even the stones would have cried out. It was a day of triumph for the King, but the triumph was short-lived. In the quiet of the home He loved in Bethany He sought rest and peace. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Christ is Sovereign; He commands H is subjects. (2) The kindly K ing had a colt for H is chariot. (3) T h e- multitude will m inister to Him if we, as m inisters, will m agnify Him. (4) There is nothing too good to lay at H is feet. (5) Contrast the hosannas of the people and the hatred of the Pharisees. (6) L et us have a house-cleaning in our churches. (7) The Gospel draws some men to Christ, and drives others away. m Subject Illustration. A lady awoke her husband one night with this exclamation: “Oh, husband, look! Jesus is coming to reign!” The husband said, “I do not see Him.” But the wife contin- IiESSON • ued, “Yes, there ILLIISTRATIONS He is surrounded W. H. Pike by all that com­ pany of f a c e s . And see the thousands of angels. Can’t you see them in the amber glory?” The wife declares she was awake when she saw the vision, but the husband could not see it. Would you be ready to greet Jesus as King if He came like this? Bible Illustration. David came to the throne through difficulties many. He waited through years of rejection, then he reigned at Hebron, then over Judah, and finally over all Israel. Jesus has waited years in rejection. Some day He will reign over Israel and the whole world. He was greeted as King in this lesson, then


rejected as King, and in the future He is to be enthroned as King. I Sam. 26. In Luke 19:12-27 the nobleman went into a far country to receive for him­ self a kingdom and return. He deliv­ ered his pounds to his ten servants and bade them occupy till he returned. But the citizens sent a messenger after the nobleman saying they would not have this man to rule over them. He re­ turned, however, and reckoned with the servants and slew his enemies. So will it be when Jesus appears as King. Practical Illustration. A young lady desired to have Jesus reign as King in her life. She yielded all to Him. He said, “Go to China to make known My Word.” She hesitated, listened to the pleading of her mother and her lover, and disobeyed the Lord- ship of King Jesus. She married the lover, had a beautiful home given her by her father and mother, lived in seem­ ing happiness for a year, then was taken sick, lingered for a year and a half in fearful suffering and passed away. All through the long year and a half she felt it was because of her dis­ obedience. How different her life would have been if she had followed Christ as her King. “Ill, that He blesses, is our good, And unblest good is ill; And all is right that seems most wrong, If it be His sweet-will.” F. W. FABER. One has said, “Here and now, to abide in the will of God is to find the secret of happiness in all life. Submission to the King involves the finding of the mystic key that opens every avenue of pure delight.” Golden Text Illustration. Abraham sat in front of his tent. He sees three men coming in the distance. Two are angels. One is the angel of the Lord Jehovah in human form. Abra­ ham rises' to greet them. Come in, friends, and let me refresh you with food and drink. He welcomed the King.

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