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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e T C i i n gf ö B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS ANDCOLLEGES DO YOU HAVE $ 300 , $ 500 , $ 1000 , or more to inve st?
Louis T . Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, No. 9 • SEPTEMBER, in the year of our Lord 1966 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s TR A IL OF A TR A C T — Edward H. Arensen ...................................... 9 RESTORING TH E SAVOR — L. E. Maxwell ...................................... 12 AMBASSADORS IN BONDS — Vanee Havner .................................... 14 UNIVERSALISM — Robert L. Sauey ..................................................... 17 HAVE WE FORGOTTEN — Thelma Kramar ...................................... 18 M A IN TA IN IN G M AR ITA L COMMUN ICA TIONS — Henry Brandt and Homer Dowdy ............................................. 20 W HO IS IN CONTROL — Robert G. Lee ........................................... 25 LETTER T O A SON ..................................................................................... 35 OF TEARS AND THUNDERBIRDS .......................................................... 38 2000 MORE TRIBES — W . Cameron Townsend ............................... 40 TH E SAGA OF TORVAN Z ITCH — Louis P. Lehman ........................ 41 MISSIONS DIRECTORY ............................................................................... 42 FROM VIOLENCE TO V IC TOR Y — Dick Hillis ................................. 44 GOD W ATCHES OVER M U TUM O Y A — Betty Russ ....................... 48 MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf .................................... 8 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 30 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................................. 31 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ....................... 32 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ...................................... 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................. 36 CHR ISTIAN WORKER'S CLIN IC — Chester Larson ....................... 37 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................. 4 PRESENTING TH E MESSAGE .................................................................... 33 NUGGETS OF GOLD .................................................................................... 45 C o v e r "Other Sheep Have I" is the title of Photographer Ed Arensen's pic ture from Kijabe, Kenya, Africa. The little native boy has his sheep grazing in front of the church which seats some 1,000 people. The entire building was erected by the Africans with much of the labor on a volunteer basis. Mr. Arensen serves with the African Inland Mission. — All Rights Reserved —
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offices in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638-
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PREACH CHRIST 1 Jig ¿The« KOR beautiful mm gospel tracts created especially for your 'Trick or Treat" callers. Orders Must Be Received by October 15th UUH Improve your knowledge of the Bible L. BROOKS TEACH YOURSELF THE BIBLE SERIES Topical and Bible book studies-25 courses IÆM D A L TR A C TS D ISTR IBUTO R S, IN C .
problems related to lo ca l-chu rch Christian edu ca tion on m ission fields, consider trends and new ideas in Christian education, and develop plans for fostering this growing aspect of missionary endeavor. E. M . Kurzhals, secretary-treasurer of the Bolivian Indian Mission, has announced that the mission has changed its name officially to The Andes Evangelical Mission, Inc. There has been no alteration in the organization, its leadership or per sonnel, but for a number of reasons, including the intention of expand ing its ministry into neighboring South American coun tries , th is change in name has seemed advis able. Both names will be carried for a year or more to give the Mission’s constituency time to become accus tomed to the new name. Dr. Manford G. Gutzke, nationally- known Bible teacher, recently stated in a recent radio interview in Los Angeles (pictured below with Don Ranson, from Radio station KBBI) that the growth of home Bible study groups across the nation reflects a growing openness to the Gospel by the non-churched. To help meet the
Dr. Vanee H. Webster, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eugene, Oregon, is being honored this month
on the occasion of his 25th anniver sary as pastor of t h e congregation. During Dr. Web ster’s ministry sev en chapels h a v e been organized in the area, four of which have become i n d e p e n d e n t churches; a picnic
and camping area known as Harlow Lodge has been purchased and fur nished; and the Ann Judson House on the University of Oregon Campus, a living organization for Christian women, has been in operation since 1944. Dr. Webster Mr. B. D. Zondervan, Sr., co-founder of Zondervan Publishing House, died July 4 following an extended illness. From the film's small beginning in the back bedroom of his parents’ farm house 35 years ago, Mr. Zon dervan saw the company grow into one of the world’s major Christian publishing firms. George Otis II; founder and presi dent of Bible Voice, Inc., Van Nuys, Calif., has recently announced that for the first time in history, the en tire Bible is now recorded and avail able for virtually every make of rec ord and tape player. After years of experience as a top executive in the electronics industry, Mr. Otis has invested his energies and finances to make the entire Bi ble available in a variety o f recorded forms. The Bible can now be played through in just 80 hours. To accom modate the rising flood of car tape playback units, Bible Voice has made available, through Muntz, the Bible in four-track stereo cartridges. Dr. Roy B. Zuck, executive director of Scripture Press Foundation, has announced a special Missions Semi nar on Christian Education to be held in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Decem ber 5-7, 1966. The seminar is de signed for furloughed missionaries and missionary candidates. Seminar leaders include Rev. Howard Hendricks, Dallas Theological Seminary; Dr. Lois LeBar, Wheaton College Graduate School; Edwin Frizen, IFMA ; and Rev. James Johnson, Evangelical Literature Overseas. Missionaries will discuss
to choose from— proven question and answer method— ideal for individual and class use.
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Religion Analysis Service, Inc., of Minneap olis, Minnesota, is an interdenominational, non-profit organization designed to dissem- minate information about unscriptural cults and isms of our time. Informative literature is made available at a reasonable cost. We publish a sixteen-page quarterly, The DISCERNER (6 issues for $1.00, 12 issues for $2.00; add 4c per issue for foreign mailing). Our catalog and a sample of The DIS CERNER will be sent upon request. Our literature is found very effective in combating cults and isms. It is endorsed by many leading publications. The address is: Religion Analysis Service, Inc. 902 Hennepin Avenue Dept. KB Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
need for such home Bible study ma terials, Dr. Gutzke has recently com pleted an album of four Bible study records entitled “ The Drama of Re demption — An Introduction to the Bible.” In the new album, produced by Gospel Light Publications of Glendale, Calif., Dr. Gutzke paints a pictorial narrative o f the entire sweep of human history. Rev. E. E. Lewis, Western regional representative and Deputation Sec retary for the Sudan Interior Mis sion, went to be with the Lord on July 17, 1966. Mr. Lewis was one of the first missionaries to enter Ethio-
Reaching Jews for Christ Covering New York Metropolitan Area Thru— Visitation in Hospitals and homes Scripture Distribution Coney Island Summer Station Saturday nite meetings Jewish Missionary Conferences Bible Classes Tract Ministry NEW YORK MESSIANIC
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pia and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan under SIM. He was recognized as an authority on the customs and reli gions of the people of the two coun tries, and translated portions of Scripture into their languages. Eyon Hedley, executive secretary of the Christian Business Men’s Com mittee International, has announced the 29th Annual Convention to be held September 28-October 2 at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, Michigan. Among speakers for the convention are General Wm . K. Harri son, Richard Woike, president of Amal gamated Labor Life Ins. Co. o f Chi cago, and Alfred Jackson, an attorney from Williamsport, Pa. For further information write Box 208, Lom bard, Illinois 60148. David E. Hall, for merly Chief A c countant at Scrip ture Press Publi cations, has been appointed Controll er of the organiza tion. Mr. Hall is a graduate of Whea ton College and has served in key capacities with firms in Michigan and Chicago be fore coming to Scripture Press. Dr. Lester P. Westlund, secretary of overseas missions of the Evangelical Free Church of America, recently journeyed to the Republic of Congo where he spoke at the annual con ference of the Congolese church and counseled with missionaries and na tional church leaders concerning the further progress of the work. EFCA missionaries are w ork in g in the northwest comer of the Congo and were evacuated in 1960 when inde pendence came and again in 1964 when the unrest developed. The work is carried on in co-operation with the Evangelical Covenant denomina tion, under whom the late Dr. Paul Carlson served. Dr. David H. Johnson, chairman of the Board of Directors of The Evan gelical Alliance Mission, recently stated, “ Though we clearly recognize the turmoil and unrest through which some countries are now pass ing, we strongly believe in the sov ereignty of God and in His plan of maintaining open doors in the pro gram of world evangelism as long as His church is on earth. We are, therefore, making a determined and prayerful effort to obtain 100 new missionary candidates in 1967.” Mr. Hall
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T o d a y t h e r e is much discussion o f the role the church should play in the various problems that are confronting people individ ually, as a nation and society in general. The cry goes up fre quently, "W e must make the church relevant in today’s society.” In August 1965, an article appeared in the daily papers en titled, "Revolution in the Ministry.” It told how clergymen were leaving the pulpit to carry on a social service program in slums, gambling joints and on the streets. The associate general secretary o f the National Council o f Churches is quoted in the article as saying that “ either religion must become relevant in the world today— or it will die. We can no longer be afraid to witness for Christ in any arena merely because it is political, controversial or uncomfortable.” The picket line, the bars, the poolrooms and houses o f prosti tution are becoming almost as common settings for ministers’ work as is the pulpit on Sunday. O f course, the most extreme course these liberal ministers have followed has been their partici pation in civil rights demonstrations. N o one can doubt their sincerity or their zeal. However, it is tragic that these men in so many instances are devoting their time, talents and energy to the proclamation o f the so-called "social gospel.” They are neglecting and by-passing altogether the real Gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ, namely, "how that Christ died for our sins according to the scrip tures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (I Cor. 15:3, 4 ). The question o f the sinfulness o f the human heart is ignored completely. The only problems that are recognized by the vast majority o f these "do-good ” clergymen relate to social injustices, racial prejudices, unequal opportunities and the "downtrodden masses,” all o f which are merely symptoms o f a condition that exists in the heart o f unregenerate humanity. The symptoms are bad enough. The cause back o f these symptoms, however, is infinitely worse and is o f fiendish origin. This is sin in the human heart and it is
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respectfully suggested that no amount o f effort spent in trying to relieve the symptoms will ever reach the disease itself. This can be accomplished only by the regenerative work o f Jesus Christ in the human heart. Relieving racial tensions will not do this; establishing laws o f one kind or another will not do this; provid ing better living conditions will not do this; raising social stand ards will not do this. This heart trouble o f humanity can be cured only by proclaming and persuading men to believe the fact that Jesus Christ died for our sins, not as a martyr to a noble cause, but in a forensic sense. In other words, He died as an atone ment for our sins in order that we might be reconciled to God. In His death He satisfied the divine law o f God, paying the full penalty for the infraction o f the law by human beings. The wages o f sin is death, but the g ift o f God through Jesus Christ and His atoning work on Calvary’s Cross is life forever more. This is the message that clergymen should be bringing today to the people o f our beloved land and throughout the world. This is the message o f salvation, which the church alone is authorized to proclaim. The Church o f Jesus Christ has been relevant in every generation only to the extent that it gave its own genera tion these eternal truths. One can hardly fail to see that the church has lost a great deal o f its relevancy in the world today. It is tragically true, but it is because the church in large measure has lost its divine message. There is no organization, no movement, no political or sociological party in existence today which has the distinctive message to proclaim as has the Church o f Jesus Christ. So where the church has failed to deliver to lost men this Gospel o f salvation, it has indeed lost its relevancy. O f course, it is readily admitted that there are social implications to the true Gospel, but that has nothing whatever to do with this "social gospel.” Any minister o f Jesus Christ who ceases to preach the doctrine o f the atonement as the only way whereby men may be saved, has ceased to fulfill the high calling wherewith he has been called and he should get out o f the ministry (period !). This is not to say that the great moral issues o f the day should not be dealt with in the pulpit. But all o f this is but a sideline to the central purpose o f the Church o f Jesus Christ, namely, the preaching o f the glorious Gospel “ that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” This Gospel has been relevant for every generation from Peter and Paul to these closing years o f the twentieth century. Mankind still suf fers from the sickness o f sin, for which the only sure remedy is "the blood o f Jesus Christ” which "cleanseth us from all sin.” God forbid that we should withhold from men dying in sin the only hope o f redemption and deliverance!
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“ b l b e v e r even consider a couch or |r| chair unless it’s ‘ Scotchguard- ed,’ ” my friend and interior dec orator, Margarett Steele, said. “Un less it’s what?” was my reply. Then she told me all the virtues of a fa bric that has been processed to re sist stain and soil. This is now avail able in fabrics from couches and chairs to children’s play clothes. It’s quite an achievement. Many times in the months before we moved into our new home, we chatted about carpets, drapes and color schemes. The conversation about “ Scotchguarding,” however, continually remained with me. The thought that they could take an or dinary piece of material and build into it a soil resister and not change the looks or the feel of the fabric really fascinated me. Wouldn’t it be great if we could “ Scotchguard” the whole house? The idea began to form. Why not “ Scotchguard” the house, the yard and even the family? When the big day arrived, we moved into our new home (or rather my husband and the movers did; I filled in for a speaker at a luncheon). By late evening, everything was in, the beds made up, and it was time to “ Scotchguard” the house. My husband took our children and me by the hand and led us into the living room. When he bowed his head, it was to pray. He asked God to touch all the weary, lonely people who would visit our living room and to let the soft blue of the carpet, the white walls and the gold-touched cherubs on them speak of heavenly things to our guests. Then we went to the kitchen. I prayed, “ Help me always to cook with love, care and Christian hospitality.” Finally we went to all the bedrooms. I remem ber when we got to Rick’s room, he prayed, “ Oh, thank you, Lord, for helping Dad buy this home, and for all the work mother did. (I refin ished some chests.) When I have friends over, help me to do what you want me to.” Thus into every room we prayed that our Lord would “ Scotchguard” it with His blessings, love, divine guidance, keeping us ever grateful to Him. When I think of the people we have influenced for Christ in our living room: the teen-agers from our Sunday school class we’ve fed in our kitchen, and the everyday living we have done in our home for two years now, I thank God He has continued the “ Scotchguarding.” Not separat ing us from the soil of sin in this world, but continually helping us to resist Satan, to live holy lives and to know that even IN sorrow our lives are covered, even as the He
It was the second week in Septem ber — fust a few days before the beginning of the school year. Our fam ily table conversation was sparked with the excitement of new school clothes, a pretty fourth-grade teacher, and the daily assignments of "terribly hard !” arithmetic problems. Mother and Dad were flinging chal lenges, encouraging all four of us chil dren to make the year one of top achievement. I remember hurling an eager ques tion in Mother’ s direction, “I f 1 get three A ’s on my report card, toill you be pleased?” Mother’ s answer was spontaneous: “I’ll be very pleased.” “ What if I get five A ’s — will you be more pleaded?” “Five A ’8 would be wonderful,” Mother smiled. The build-up was exciting. The third question topped the others. “ What if I get ALL A ’s for the whole year?” I waited breathlessly. Mother leaned over the table and placed her hand on my chubby arm. Her eyes shone with tenderness — “ That would please me most of all!” “ That would please me most of all!” Surely our distinguishing mark as Christians should be our confidence in the matchless love of Christ and the total yielding of our affection to Him in return. I f we love Jesus Christ su premely, our consuming desire will be not only to please Him, but to please Him MOST OF ALL! By Ruth Calkin Young people are invited to send in questions to Mrs. Ruth Calkins.
brews were protected from the death angel, by the blood of a slain lamb, our Saviour. So are we! SCHOOL DAZE One of the first things children learn at school is that other chil dren get allowances. Many a child who watches tele vision for hours will go down in history — not to mention math, English and geography. There’s something encouraging about the fact that the teachers of American children have to go to summer school and take special courses to keep ahead of them. —John M. Henry
TH O U G H T FOR TO D A Y May it be my deep desire Just to live for You alone; May I please You MOST, Lord Jesus, As You make my heart — Your home! "But seek ye FIRST the King dom of God, and his righteous ness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).
S u n d a y S c h o o l L ite ra tu re G LO B A L ADVANCES in C H IN E â É
. . . a talented performer, experi enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business man.
Mrs. John Pao, with the Evangel Press in Kowloon, Hong Kong, has been adapting and translating S cripture Press lessons and products for several years. She writes, “We like these materials because they are doctrinally sound and help our teachers relate God’s Word to the spiritual needs and problems of their pupils. We are now completing the translating of
by Edward H. Arensen (Photographer for this month’s cover) I w a n t TO PAY for a subscrip- to Kesho magazine .” The speaker, a young man, laid six silver shillings on the desk. “My name is Richard Moses and I come from Kisii,” he continued. As I wrote out the receipt, my mind wandered. Kisii was 160 miles upcountry in a hilly, fertile section o f Kenya. Seven years ago a delegation of Kisii elders had unexpectedly ar rived at our Kijabe Station. “We are looking for the one who puts the gospel words on the radio,” they had said. “ Is this the right mission station ?” On being assured that they had arrived at the right place, they made their request. “We want a mission s ta tion in Kisii. The words that come over the radio have reached our hearts. The peo ple o f Kisii need this good news.” Following this evident Mace donian call, a survey trip was made to the area. It was found that the whole district had been left to another mission according to comity arrangements between missions. Their work had not prospered but had succeeded in bringing a hunger for the true gospel of grace to many hearts. When the radio messages o f the Africa Inland Mission radio evan gelist, Timothy Kamau, brought the Word they had been seeking, people began to gather together to listen to this program. Finally a delegation had been selected to visit the Africa Inland Mission“ at Kijabe and seek help from those who had this message of life. Following the survey, a mis sionary couple, Rev. and Mrs. John Beadle, were assigned to the
Mrs. Pao
the three-year cycle of Young Teen Sunday School lessons. We have also translated several books with stories from Power. The lessons are used in nine countries of Southeast Asia.” Scripture Press Foundation invites you to pray for this worthy missionary project. Find out how you can share in this ministry. Write Scripture Press Foundation, Chinese Literature Department, Box 513, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137.
Scripture Press products are available in these 25 languages for more than 80 foreign-speaking countries:
Spanish German French Norwegian Swedish Portuguese Italian Dutch Arabic
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For further information write Dr. Roy B. Zuck, SCRIPTURE PRESS FOUNDATION Boi 513, Gian Ellyn, Illinois 60137.
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CovenantRetirement Centers are more thansuperb retirement com munities. They are a way of life. They offercustom-designed retire mentplans tofit individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide complete active retirement service with companionship, recre ation, security and independence withina Christian environment. Covenant Village NORTHBROOK % Mr. Harvey E. Anderson 2745 Techny Road •Northbrook,Illinois Covenant Palms M IAM I % Mr. Victor Person 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue-Miami, Florida Mount Miguel Covenant Village SAN DIEGO % Rev. G . Marian Enns 325 Kempton Street-Spring Valley,California Hearthstone Manor FOLSOM % Mr. L. Dow Coffman 6700 Oak Avenue-Folsom, California Mountain View Covenant Center DENVER PROPOSED
area. Local churches were built in five strategic areas. These were erected by the people themselves and w illin g hearts and hands caused them to go up quickly. Finally a small mission station was bu ilt so the missionaries could remain in the area and serve the people. Before long the elders o f the new churches began to send young people to the Kijabe Bible School. The elders wanted the young peo ple trained in the Word so that they could come back and teach their own people, an admirable idea warmly welcomed by the Mission. The Kisii area had gov ernment schools so many of the young folks had a good basic edu cation although opportunities to continue in high school were lim ited. Suddenly my mind came back to my desk and the task in hand. Finishing the subscription form, I asked Richard Moses where he wanted his subscription sent. “ Send it to the Kijabe Bible School next door,” he said. “ I am a new student. I have just ar rived.” Then rather hesitatingly he asked, “ Can I have the tracts you promised me?” Never having seen him before, I was at a loss to explain the promise that he said I had made. I began to question him, and lit tle by little, the story untangled itself. In 1963 he was living at his home in Kisii country and one day a Kesho magazine had been given to him. The men who at that time were surveying the area had distributed some back copies. He read the magazine and noticed an advertisement inviting him to join the Kesho Tract Club. Not knowing what it was all about, he had nevertheless written in ask ing to join the Club. He had been enrolled as a member and had re ceived his first packet o f tracts. These he was supposed to distrib ute. A letter enclosed in the pack et gave detailed instructions of how to do this.
Applications areavailable topersons ofvarying economic levels. Informa tion is available by writing the center of your choice. CEYLON «»»INDIA GENERAL MISSION and PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our Ministry Includes: orrespondence Bible Courses ndigenous Churches ospel and Literature Distribution inistry to Lepers
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But Richard Moses was not a Christian. He knew nothing of the Way of Life. Now he sat down with the packet of tracts. There were 50 tracts in the en velope o f several different types. The majority carried a salvation message. “ I read the tracts on salvation and then accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour,” Richard testified. “ It was through the reading of these tracts that I became a Christian.” After reading the tracts, he went out and distributed them as instructed in the letter. Then he found one o f the newly-built churches in the area and asso ciated himself with it for fellow ship and service. Two years passed. It was Octo ber 1965 when another Kesho magazine came into his hands. One of the men from the small church he was attending was a student at Kijabe Bible School and he brought the magazine back to his church. R ich a rd Moses read an article in it tell ing of the work o f the Bible School. He looked at the pictures of happy students. This was what he wanted: a chance to study God’s Word for himself. He ap plied and was accepted. Now he had arrived to begin his studies in January 1966. But before he started he wanted to be sure that he didn’t miss a copy o f the maga zine for it was through it he had come to Christ and been led to Bible School. “ Can I have more tracts now?” he asked again. “ The letter that came with the first packet said I could have more by just asking. This is the first time I have had a chance to come and ask.” We led him into the tract room and told him to help himself. He could have them all. Kesho magazine is published by the Africa Inland Mission. It is in Swahili and reaches to all parts of East Africa. Quite a few articles in it are now in English which has become the second lan guage o f Kenya. SEPTEMBER, 196«
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T o us C hristians Christ says: “ Ye are the salt of the earth.” The statement implies that the world is polluted and unseasoned. It requires no wise man to see that we live in a fallen and fes tering world, tragically in need o f “ salt.” How we as Christians are to be “ salt” in the earth would seem to call for fresh clarification. Christianity as taught by John Wesley was “ essentially a social religion.” “ To turn it into a soli tary religion,” he protested, “ is to destroy it.” Wesley and his colleagues, while adhering strict ly to Gospel preaching, as indi viduals were very vocal against slavery and liquor and a hundrel other social wrongs. And who can measure the social influence of Lord Shaftesbury, William Wilberforce, and Francis Asbury in righting social and economic wrongs in Britain and America? Yet these reforms and reformers were but the product o f the Great Awakening that produced salt; salt with a savor; salt that saved England from the corruption and
chaos of the French Revolution and imparted life-blood to Amer ica. As President Coolidge said at the dedication o f the As bury Memorial in Washington: “America was born in a revival of religion. Back of that revival were John Wesley, George White- field, and Francis Asbury.” It was as citizens and private Christians that the reformers of the period of the Great Awak ening spread salt throughout so ciety, salt that has retained its “tang” until more recent years. Today the world challenges the church to prove her worth by solving the social and economic troubles of the hour. As one Christian exponent of world re form says: “ The acid test o f Christianity for this generation is its readiness and competence to right the wrong, and to establish a just and righteous order o f life.” Thus challenged, the church has been giving more and more attention to politics, class strug gles, and social problems. Yet we are confronted with the fact— who can deny it?—that society
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is more and more sunken and immoral. We pass resolutions, de nounce communism, appeal to the government, secure legislation, and even seek to straighten out international foreign policy. But what has all this to do with the church’s commission? Can we imagine Paul leading the early church in a march on im perial Rome? I f the church for gets and forsakes her franchise —her one and only commission —to preach the Gospel, then the ultimate tragedy will lie, not chiefly in collapse o f her world- reform effort, but rather in the conviction that will be created in vast multitudes that because the church fails Christianity must needs be false, fundamen tally false. The call to the church today is not to seek ecumenical power or religious dominance, not to make a mass impact, not to mount into the political saddle, but rather to repent. “ For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, one o f the world’s greatest Bible expositors, has said: “ The moment the church intervenes in these social, politi cal and economic matters, she is hampering and hindering herself in her God-appointed task of evangelism. . . . The church is to be concerned about sin in all its manifestations, and sin can be as terrible in a Capitalist as in a Communist; it can be as terrible in a rich man as in a poor man; it can manifest itself in all class es and in all types and in all groups.” Let individual Christian citi zens serve God as they may be led, whether that sphere be pub lic, private, or political. I f we be lieve it is not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit, let us go to our knees praying. Let the salt of our superciti zenship have her savor restored and the world will feel the im- pact. ______________________ 1966 by The Sunday School Times Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. Reprinted by permission.
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AMBASSADORS T he apostle P aul called himself “ an ambas sador in bonds” . He was often in chains, a minister in manacles, a prophet in prison. He said, “My bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places” (Phil. 1:13). He was in bonds for “ the mystery o f Christ” (Col. 4 :3 ). He asked the Corinthians to remember his bonds. Onesimus, his son in the Gospel, was be gotten in bonds. On his way to Jerusalem, Paul said “bonds and afflictions abide me” (Acts 20:23). On trial before Agrippa, he preached in chains and when the King said, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” , Paul wished that Agrippa and all who heard him could be as he was “ except these bonds” . What a Gospel that can make a Christian, instead of wanting to be a king, wish rather that every king could be a Christian! To Timothy Paul wrote: “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed o f David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, EVEN UNTO BONDS; but the word of God is not bound” . The messenger may be in chains but the message is unfettered. An ambassador in bonds! Many another since Paul has been God’s witness in shackles. But this kind o f “ prisoner of Jesus Christ” finds that stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage. “Our fathers, chained in prisons, dark Were still in heart and conscience free.” “We are ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20) and there are ambassadors in bonds of quite an other sort than the chains of Paul. Those were honorable fetters but many a Christian, many a minister, is bound by Satan and shackled with bonds of his own forging. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is lib erty.” The scarcest article in pulpits today is spir itual liberty. Certainly liberty is a preacher’s priv ilege: “ Ye shall know the truth, and the truth
BONDS IN shall make you free” ; “ If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” . We are to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke o f bondage (Gal. 5 :1 ). The applications of that verse certainly reach far beyond the imme diate connections. There are all kinds of manacles for ministers and prisons for prophets and for every ambassador in bonds of Paul’s variety there are hundreds entangled in fetters that cripple their own ministry and bring reproach upon the cause o f Christ. Some ministers are aware that they are in bonds of one kind or another and sometimes they try to escape by merely exchanging one bondage for another. Some become eccentric or engage in wild preaching or leave their churches or become free-lances. They assume a pose and boast of not being in bondage to any man. But “ of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage” and they become slaves of their own egotism. The way to ministerial freedom does not lie in erratic kicking o f traces. The ambassador in bonds must honestly face his condition, identify his shackles and get rid o f them as the Scriptures guide and as the Spirit enables. The truth will set him free and where the Spirit is, there is liberty. Sometimes they are bonds of personal habit, fetters in our private lives. In Noah’s day they did eat and drink and a minister’s eating and drinking can bring him into bondage. McCheyne used to say that even a love o f good eating could sidetrack a preacher. Bunyan declared that the effect of many a good sermon was lost in a Sun day dinner. That may sound like asceticism today but" these old-timers had amazing liberty which we sycophants have lost. The disobedient prophet who let himself be seduced into eating and drink ing instead of returning straight home from Bethel
by Dr. Vane« Havner takes up a whole chapter in the Word and his slain carcass by the roadside is a grim warning to us all. Of course there are those cantankerous children of the market-place who will find fault with a preacher whatever he does, whether he comes neither eating or drinking like John the Baptist or attending suppers with our Lord. But let a man examine himself and if his habit dims the inward glow or offends the weaker brother, it is a weight that doth beset him. Even if he is not certain about it, “ he that doubteth is condemned if he eat” and “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” . Satan can weave chains out o f almost any material. He can twist tobacco, theatre tickets, magazines, and diverse other materials too tedious to mention into withes and bind Samson as securely as ever Delilah hoped to do. Even things not wrong in themselves by reason of being given too important a place can become bonds instead of blessings. A certain business man said, concerning his pastor, “ Any man who can play golf that well must have neglected something!” He said it only in fun but there is food for thought there. A spirit o f levity, cold professionalism, a taking things for granted and as a matter o f course, trafficking in unfelt truth, the language of the Spirit without the life o f the Spirit, how these chains can rattle on Sun day morning! Laziness in the devotional life, preparing the sermon without preparing the preacher, getting messages up instead o f getting them down from above, lack of prayer, of the Word and of medita tion — can anything more effectually put an am bassador in bonds? William Law used to rise early, as early as the farmers, for he declared that he could not lie folded up in bed when he was so far behind with his sanctification. Need we wonder at our anemic souls when we nourish them so scantily? A spirit o f stupor, a slothfulness arising
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