King's Business - 1966-09

But Richard Moses was not a Christian. He knew nothing of the Way of Life. Now he sat down with the packet of tracts. There were 50 tracts in the en­ velope o f several different types. The majority carried a salvation message. “ I read the tracts on salvation and then accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour,” Richard testified. “ It was through the reading of these tracts that I became a Christian.” After reading the tracts, he went out and distributed them as instructed in the letter. Then he found one o f the newly-built churches in the area and asso­ ciated himself with it for fellow­ ship and service. Two years passed. It was Octo­ ber 1965 when another Kesho magazine came into his hands. One of the men from the small church he was attending was a student at Kijabe Bible School and he brought the magazine back to his church. R ich a rd Moses read an article in it tell­ ing of the work o f the Bible School. He looked at the pictures of happy students. This was what he wanted: a chance to study God’s Word for himself. He ap­ plied and was accepted. Now he had arrived to begin his studies in January 1966. But before he started he wanted to be sure that he didn’t miss a copy o f the maga­ zine for it was through it he had come to Christ and been led to Bible School. “ Can I have more tracts now?” he asked again. “ The letter that came with the first packet said I could have more by just asking. This is the first time I have had a chance to come and ask.” We led him into the tract room and told him to help himself. He could have them all. Kesho magazine is published by the Africa Inland Mission. It is in Swahili and reaches to all parts of East Africa. Quite a few articles in it are now in English which has become the second lan­ guage o f Kenya. SEPTEMBER, 196«

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