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by L. E. Maxwell President, Prairie Bible Institute
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T o us C hristians Christ says: “ Ye are the salt of the earth.” The statement implies that the world is polluted and unseasoned. It requires no wise man to see that we live in a fallen and fes tering world, tragically in need o f “ salt.” How we as Christians are to be “ salt” in the earth would seem to call for fresh clarification. Christianity as taught by John Wesley was “ essentially a social religion.” “ To turn it into a soli tary religion,” he protested, “ is to destroy it.” Wesley and his colleagues, while adhering strict ly to Gospel preaching, as indi viduals were very vocal against slavery and liquor and a hundrel other social wrongs. And who can measure the social influence of Lord Shaftesbury, William Wilberforce, and Francis Asbury in righting social and economic wrongs in Britain and America? Yet these reforms and reformers were but the product o f the Great Awakening that produced salt; salt with a savor; salt that saved England from the corruption and
chaos of the French Revolution and imparted life-blood to Amer ica. As President Coolidge said at the dedication o f the As bury Memorial in Washington: “America was born in a revival of religion. Back of that revival were John Wesley, George White- field, and Francis Asbury.” It was as citizens and private Christians that the reformers of the period of the Great Awak ening spread salt throughout so ciety, salt that has retained its “tang” until more recent years. Today the world challenges the church to prove her worth by solving the social and economic troubles of the hour. As one Christian exponent of world re form says: “ The acid test o f Christianity for this generation is its readiness and competence to right the wrong, and to establish a just and righteous order o f life.” Thus challenged, the church has been giving more and more attention to politics, class strug gles, and social problems. Yet we are confronted with the fact— who can deny it?—that society
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