King's Business - 1966-09

is more and more sunken and immoral. We pass resolutions, de­ nounce communism, appeal to the government, secure legislation, and even seek to straighten out international foreign policy. But what has all this to do with the church’s commission? Can we imagine Paul leading the early church in a march on im­ perial Rome? I f the church for­ gets and forsakes her franchise —her one and only commission —to preach the Gospel, then the ultimate tragedy will lie, not chiefly in collapse o f her world- reform effort, but rather in the conviction that will be created in vast multitudes that because the church fails Christianity must needs be false, fundamen­ tally false. The call to the church today is not to seek ecumenical power or religious dominance, not to make a mass impact, not to mount into the political saddle, but rather to repent. “ For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, one o f the world’s greatest Bible expositors, has said: “ The moment the church intervenes in these social, politi­ cal and economic matters, she is hampering and hindering herself in her God-appointed task of evangelism. . . . The church is to be concerned about sin in all its manifestations, and sin can be as terrible in a Capitalist as in a Communist; it can be as terrible in a rich man as in a poor man; it can manifest itself in all class­ es and in all types and in all groups.” Let individual Christian citi­ zens serve God as they may be led, whether that sphere be pub­ lic, private, or political. I f we be­ lieve it is not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit, let us go to our knees praying. Let the salt of our superciti­ zenship have her savor restored and the world will feel the im- pact. ______________________ 1966 by The Sunday School Times Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. Reprinted by permission.


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