King's Business - 1966-09

Who is in Control of World Affairs? by R obert G. Lee, D. D.

I T is A joy , honor , and privilege for me to ad­ dress you on this occasion so significant in the lives of you young men and women—some of you soon to receive the evidence of the completion of your courses of study. Biola College has attempted to prepare you to face the world, not with knowledge only, but with faith also, for things spiritual are far greater than things intellectual. Think we of world I am not a photographer of sordid spots, nor a driver of a garbage wagon, nor a dissecter of a corpse, when I say that today is so much in anti­ thesis and antagonism to God’s commandments and the principles of Christianity. Some seek to turn Freedom’s speech into the serpent’s hiss. Some seek to turn civil government into by-words, the Bible into error, God into marble, freedom OF worship into freedom FROM worship, and the regeneration experience into sentimental se­ CONDITIONS

ances—as the “ loose wild tongues that hold not God in awe.” Republicanism has failed. Democracy has failed. Dictatorship has failed. Government has failed. Education has failed. Science has failed. Spiritual mercury has fallen low. Faith’s wings are clipped by reason’s scissors. Self-labeled schol­ ars interpret things in terms of natural phenom­ ena. The supernatural has been reduced to ig­ norance as the Bible has been summoned to appear at the bar of human reason. Evolution has caric­ atured, changed, cursed, and crucified the educa­ tional mind of America. There is an intellectual recoil against any kind of emotional expression and the obvious inadequacy of rationalism as a substitute. Some in places of teaching and preach­ ing responsibility are dainty tasters of intellectual subtleties, epicures in philosophies, administrators of laughing gas for the painless extraction o f sin. Dealers in finespun metaphysical disquisition, they minimize sin, they mutilate the Bible, they deify man, they humanize Christ. Said General Omar Bradley: “We have too many men of Science and too few men of God. We live in a time of nuclear-giants and spiritual pyg­ mies.”



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