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book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
Unger's BIBLE HANDBOOK by Merrill F. Unger, Th.D., Ph.D.
Limiting God by John E. Hunter
author’s direct, unadorned approach provides a reminder to the reader of the fact that for the Christian every aspect of modern life, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is a source of spiritual challenge and inspiration.—Cloth; Wm. B. Eerd- mans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.50.—Reviewed by William Shanebeck. God is Dead: The Anatomy of a Slogan The Library of Congress has al ready created a subject heading for library cataloguing of books like this—GOD IS DEAD MOVEMENT. Distasteful as it may be, it looks as though the alert Christian, and certainly pastors, will have to try to understand what this silly move ment is all about. It is unbelievable that serious-minded people would give a second thought to it, but at least right now it is the most talked-about phenomenon in Chris tian thinking. Is God about to move into history in such a remarkable way that the Devil has raised up this frightful idea to discredit the Lord’s very person and of course His pow er? It behooves one to read again some chapters in the Book of the Revelation. The author points out that this mood seems designed to fill a psy chological need—that of being up with the times, to “ get-with-it,” and to put Christianity (one will have to say “ so-called” ) into terms that modern man can grasp and appre ciate. This means that the old way of thinking about God must go. It must harmonize with a secularized society. In a way all this is a valu able commentary on the almost total dissatisfaction with the unbiblical systems of the immediate past, and one can safely prophesy that it will in time itself prove most unsatis factory.—86 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $1.25. Recommended books are avail able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An geles; and on the La Mirada Cam pus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.
There are many ways whereby the power of God is stifled in the lives of believers. This is true in numer ous areas of daily living, including such important aspects as the so- called Christian home. Too frequent ly we are contented with mediocrity when the Lord desires that we enjoy His overcoming power and victory. Dr. Hunter, a member of the Torch- bearer’s Fellowship of England, has given a series of penetrating studies on the Scripture, offering practical solutions for our understanding and application.— 159 pages; cloth; Zon- dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2:50. Biblical Evangelism In Action by Robert L. Sumner Pointing out the importance of personal evangelism in each Chris tian’s life, the author shows that it is not only a responsibility but also a real opportunity in which to en gage. Illustrations are drawn not only from the life of our Lord but also from the apostles. For those who may be confused as to how to go about personal evangelism, an analysis is given to the approach, presentation, and closing of the con versation with an appeal to action. Various problems which are often encountered, including helping those with honest difficulties, are a part of the publication. Dr. Sumner is in the evangelistic field, having for merly pastored churches in Texas, Illinois, Ohio, and California.—343 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; $3.95. I Think of Jesus by Herbert Brokering In a series of poetic meditations, this little book traces the ministry and mission o f Christ by bringing together the world o f Christ’s time and the sights, sounds, and smells of the twentieth century. There is no traditional rhyme or meter in these poems; the structure is based on syntactical patterns, such as par allelism and repetition. Although the Whitmanesque cataloguing of items tends to become monotonous if one reads the book in one sitting, the
Ungers BIBLE
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