by Dave Hill The story of a welfare child growing up with all the escapades and family relation ships accompanying this kind of social situation. Dave Hill is the author of Roman's World also published by Herald Press. Both books are for the 9-14 year old. Hard covers, $3.00 Order from your bookstore or Dept. KB H E R A L D P R E S S Scottdale, Pennsylvania 15683
TH E REVELATION OF GOD IN NATURE (Psalm 19:1-14) W. Graham Scroggie Of the witness o f the heavens five things are said in Psalm 19: 1. The Witness is Specific. The heavens do not tell us o f God’s will, grace, mercy, or love; but they do declare His wisdom, power, glory, and goodness. 2. The Witness is Incessant. a. The heavens with their clouds. b. The firmament, the camp o f the starry worlds which shows forth the Divine glory by the number, variety, brightness, beauty, and movements o f its host. c. The days with their light and warmth. d. The nights with their stillness, solemnity, and lovely splendor. 3. The Witness is Unaudible. 4. The Witness is Universal. “ Through all the earth,” sun, moon, and s ta r s a re God’s traveling preachers. 5. The Witness is Glorious. How great God is, and how all His works praise Him! TH E M IND OF CHRIST Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2 :5 ). The iron railing o f God’s will leads through the low valley of humiliation to the throne o f exaltation. As you are willing to stoop even to the grave, God will raise you to sit with Christ upon the throne. I. Our Lord was in the Form o f God. The word form indicates the very essence o f deity. II. He Thought Equality with God Not a Thing To Be Grasped At. Christ did not need to grasp at equality; all through His life He assumed His deity. He put the veil of humanity over the Shekinah light of His deity. IV. He Stooped Still Lower to Become a Slave. The Master of all was the Servant of all. V. He took the Form of a Man. He knows the fatigue, tension, privation o f mortal life. VI. He Became Obedient Even to Death. He died that He might know what death means and destroy it. VII. He Chose the Lowest Death o f the Cross. He went so deep that His arms are under those who suffer most keenly. III. Yet He Emptied Himself.
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