King's Business - 1966-09


of tears and thunderbirds

by a Missionary on Furlough

A fter the service , she clutched my hand warm­ l y ; I could tell she had been moved by the message. “ Oh, you missionaries,” she said, “ you’re doing such a wonderful work.” She choked a little, blinking back a tear. An­ other tear was making an untidy furrow through her makeup. She caught it swiftly with the back of her hand. Her husband, a tall, handsome man in a mauve,

tailored suit, moved toward me and pressed a bill into my hand. I glimpsed the bearded features of Lincoln, a five. “ We wish we could do more,” he apologized. “ This is just a little something. We hope it’ll help.” I assured them it would, adding, “Do remem­ ber to pray for our work.” “Oh, we will, we will,” they both responded eagerly. “We’ve thought about taking a share in



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