King's Business - 1966-09

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PREACH CHRIST 1 Jig ¿The« KOR beautiful mm gospel tracts created especially for your 'Trick or Treat" callers. Orders Must Be Received by October 15th UUH Improve your knowledge of the Bible L. BROOKS TEACH YOURSELF THE BIBLE SERIES Topical and Bible book studies-25 courses IÆM D A L TR A C TS D ISTR IBUTO R S, IN C .

problems related to lo ca l-chu rch Christian edu ca tion on m ission fields, consider trends and new ideas in Christian education, and develop plans for fostering this growing aspect of missionary endeavor. E. M . Kurzhals, secretary-treasurer of the Bolivian Indian Mission, has announced that the mission has changed its name officially to The Andes Evangelical Mission, Inc. There has been no alteration in the organization, its leadership or per­ sonnel, but for a number of reasons, including the intention of expand­ ing its ministry into neighboring South American coun tries , th is change in name has seemed advis­ able. Both names will be carried for a year or more to give the Mission’s constituency time to become accus­ tomed to the new name. Dr. Manford G. Gutzke, nationally- known Bible teacher, recently stated in a recent radio interview in Los Angeles (pictured below with Don Ranson, from Radio station KBBI) that the growth of home Bible study groups across the nation reflects a growing openness to the Gospel by the non-churched. To help meet the

Dr. Vanee H. Webster, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eugene, Oregon, is being honored this month

on the occasion of his 25th anniver­ sary as pastor of t h e congregation. During Dr. Web­ ster’s ministry sev­ en chapels h a v e been organized in the area, four of which have become i n d e p e n d e n t churches; a picnic

and camping area known as Harlow Lodge has been purchased and fur­ nished; and the Ann Judson House on the University of Oregon Campus, a living organization for Christian women, has been in operation since 1944. Dr. Webster Mr. B. D. Zondervan, Sr., co-founder of Zondervan Publishing House, died July 4 following an extended illness. From the film's small beginning in the back bedroom of his parents’ farm house 35 years ago, Mr. Zon­ dervan saw the company grow into one of the world’s major Christian publishing firms. George Otis II; founder and presi­ dent of Bible Voice, Inc., Van Nuys, Calif., has recently announced that for the first time in history, the en­ tire Bible is now recorded and avail­ able for virtually every make of rec­ ord and tape player. After years of experience as a top executive in the electronics industry, Mr. Otis has invested his energies and finances to make the entire Bi­ ble available in a variety o f recorded forms. The Bible can now be played through in just 80 hours. To accom­ modate the rising flood of car tape playback units, Bible Voice has made available, through Muntz, the Bible in four-track stereo cartridges. Dr. Roy B. Zuck, executive director of Scripture Press Foundation, has announced a special Missions Semi­ nar on Christian Education to be held in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Decem­ ber 5-7, 1966. The seminar is de­ signed for furloughed missionaries and missionary candidates. Seminar leaders include Rev. Howard Hendricks, Dallas Theological Seminary; Dr. Lois LeBar, Wheaton College Graduate School; Edwin Frizen, IFMA ; and Rev. James Johnson, Evangelical Literature Overseas. Missionaries will discuss

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Religion Analysis Service, Inc., of Minneap­ olis, Minnesota, is an interdenominational, non-profit organization designed to dissem- minate information about unscriptural cults and isms of our time. Informative literature is made available at a reasonable cost. We publish a sixteen-page quarterly, The DISCERNER (6 issues for $1.00, 12 issues for $2.00; add 4c per issue for foreign mailing). Our catalog and a sample of The DIS­ CERNER will be sent upon request. Our literature is found very effective in combating cults and isms. It is endorsed by many leading publications. The address is: Religion Analysis Service, Inc. 902 Hennepin Avenue Dept. KB Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

need for such home Bible study ma­ terials, Dr. Gutzke has recently com­ pleted an album of four Bible study records entitled “ The Drama of Re­ demption — An Introduction to the Bible.” In the new album, produced by Gospel Light Publications of Glendale, Calif., Dr. Gutzke paints a pictorial narrative o f the entire sweep of human history. Rev. E. E. Lewis, Western regional representative and Deputation Sec­ retary for the Sudan Interior Mis­ sion, went to be with the Lord on July 17, 1966. Mr. Lewis was one of the first missionaries to enter Ethio-

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