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Nuggets of Gold
W H Y NOT? Join over 200 other Christians in publishing work in wonderful God's Y/ord for the ïvh.ole Wor,d- Applications now being accept- W H E A T O N ! ed for key positions such as: . . . Creative Writers for chil dren and adults
H OW? The weary ones had rest, the sad had joy that day, And wondered "How?" A ploughman, singing at his work, had prayed, "Lord, help them now." Away in foreign lands they wondered "How?" Their feeble words had power: A t home the Christians "two or three" had met To pray an hour! Yes, we are always wondering, won dering "How?" Because we do not see Someone, unknown perhaps, and far away On bended knee, A hidden one apart, but near to God, Was claiming victory— As they went forth to battle in His Name, "Lord, be Thou nigh!" The hands were steady till the setting sun— No need to wonder more. How courage, faith and hope were all supplied From Heaven's store. For this thy praying host who wait on Thee According to Thy Word, Who plead by day and night within Thy courts We thank Thee, Lord! D O N 'T S TAY AW A Y FROM CHURCH — because you are poor. There is no admission charge. — because you are rich. We can help you cure that. — because it rains. You go to work in the rain. — because it is hot. So is the golf course. — because it is cold. It's warm and friendly inside. — because no one invited you. Peo ple go to the movies without being asked. — because you have little children. We have a loud speaker in other rooms so you can hear if you have to take them out. (We urge you to bring them.) — because you don't like the speak er. He's human like you. — because your job makes you tired. You may lose your job. — because there are hypocrites. You associate with them daily. — because you have company. They will admire your loyalty if you bring them along, or tell them to wait until you get back.
. . . Merchandise Handling Per sonnel . . . Executive Secretaries . . . Management Personnel W H Y NOT? Accept God's call to help publish the only Total Church Program All-Bible Mate rials! Attractive starting salaries and annual merit increases. Com plete benefit program.
Scripture Press Publications, the leading independent publish er of Sunday School materials, occupies a lovely, air-conditioned building on a beautiful campus in Wheaton, Illinois. Wheaton — a world renowned evangelical cen ter . . . the cultural center of Dupage County. And minutes from famous Chicago Loop. Opportunities abound for spir itual and cultural growth through many sound churches, famous Wheaton College programs and outstanding civic affairs.
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REACHING THE AMERICAN INDIAN FOR CHRIST Missionary Radio— Bible School— Mission BUILDING RADIO STATION Personnel and Finances Greetly Needed Audio Visuals (35mm slides with narrative tape) available for church groups on offering basis. TH E N AVA JO BIBLE SCHOOL AND MISSION, INC. WINDOW ROCK ___ ARIZONA _
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