weeds for hours, put them all into a pile and burned them. The next morning at six o’clock he reported back to work and he worked hard. When the missionary saw he really meant business, she told him he might stay with her. She promised to pay him for the work he did in the mornings and said that in the afternoons he could go to school. “When you learn to read,” she said, “ I will give you a Bible, a book containing God’s words. As long as you are good, you can stay with me.” And good he was. He kept her garden free from weeds and ran her errands. There are no telephones in the jungle and many notes have to be carried back and forth. Mutumoya did lots of small jobs and even washed the cat’s plate every day. When the missionary went to teach in the villages, on her bicycle, he would run after her. When she had to go up hill, he would say, “Don’t get off. I am your gasoline,” and he pushed the bicycle up the hill. How proud he was when the other children saw him riding on the back of the missionary’s bike! He was also proud of his new suit of blue cotton cloth with red trimming and his red cap! No one in school had such a fancy suit. He had earned the money and paid the missionary twenty-five cents for the complete outfit. Many times the missionary lady went with Mutumoya to visit Lakese. When she asked if the two boys would take the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour they gladly gave their hearts to God. Mutumoya learned to read quickly and was delighted when he received the promised Bible. Often he was permitted to read the Scriptures during meetings, and he would also give his testimony in public. He was a fine Christian boy. Lakese’s leg remained in the plas ter cast for many months but finally it became well and strong again. His fine Christian life became a shining light for Christ. Mama Maria heard that her boys were at the mission station and one day she came to visit them. During her stay she too accepted the Lord as her Saviour. She thanked the missionaries for taking such good care of her chil dren and said, “God bless you. Do with my children as if they were yours.” Both Mutomoya and his brother Lakese are now preaching the Gos pel in grandfather Sulamani’s vil lage. Copyright by Gospel Light Publica tions. Used by permission.
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