pia and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan under SIM. He was recognized as an authority on the customs and reli gions of the people of the two coun tries, and translated portions of Scripture into their languages. Eyon Hedley, executive secretary of the Christian Business Men’s Com mittee International, has announced the 29th Annual Convention to be held September 28-October 2 at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, Michigan. Among speakers for the convention are General Wm . K. Harri son, Richard Woike, president of Amal gamated Labor Life Ins. Co. o f Chi cago, and Alfred Jackson, an attorney from Williamsport, Pa. For further information write Box 208, Lom bard, Illinois 60148. David E. Hall, for merly Chief A c countant at Scrip ture Press Publi cations, has been appointed Controll er of the organiza tion. Mr. Hall is a graduate of Whea ton College and has served in key capacities with firms in Michigan and Chicago be fore coming to Scripture Press. Dr. Lester P. Westlund, secretary of overseas missions of the Evangelical Free Church of America, recently journeyed to the Republic of Congo where he spoke at the annual con ference of the Congolese church and counseled with missionaries and na tional church leaders concerning the further progress of the work. EFCA missionaries are w ork in g in the northwest comer of the Congo and were evacuated in 1960 when inde pendence came and again in 1964 when the unrest developed. The work is carried on in co-operation with the Evangelical Covenant denomina tion, under whom the late Dr. Paul Carlson served. Dr. David H. Johnson, chairman of the Board of Directors of The Evan gelical Alliance Mission, recently stated, “ Though we clearly recognize the turmoil and unrest through which some countries are now pass ing, we strongly believe in the sov ereignty of God and in His plan of maintaining open doors in the pro gram of world evangelism as long as His church is on earth. We are, therefore, making a determined and prayerful effort to obtain 100 new missionary candidates in 1967.” Mr. Hall
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