When a baby’s
a message from Wk the editor Ä BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND ^PRESIDENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. The Place of the Church in the World Today
four, Christian writer and bookseller, presents a
Scripture-based book of devotions keyed to the dreams, hopes and fears of the expectant mother. JOYFULLY EXPECTANT is the perfect baby shower gift! Introduction by Mrs. Cliff Barrows. $2.95. VISIT YOUR BOOKSTORE FLEMING H. REVEU COMPANY Westwood, N. J.
T o d a y t h e r e is much discussion o f the role the church should play in the various problems that are confronting people individ ually, as a nation and society in general. The cry goes up fre quently, "W e must make the church relevant in today’s society.” In August 1965, an article appeared in the daily papers en titled, "Revolution in the Ministry.” It told how clergymen were leaving the pulpit to carry on a social service program in slums, gambling joints and on the streets. The associate general secretary o f the National Council o f Churches is quoted in the article as saying that “ either religion must become relevant in the world today— or it will die. We can no longer be afraid to witness for Christ in any arena merely because it is political, controversial or uncomfortable.” The picket line, the bars, the poolrooms and houses o f prosti tution are becoming almost as common settings for ministers’ work as is the pulpit on Sunday. O f course, the most extreme course these liberal ministers have followed has been their partici pation in civil rights demonstrations. N o one can doubt their sincerity or their zeal. However, it is tragic that these men in so many instances are devoting their time, talents and energy to the proclamation o f the so-called "social gospel.” They are neglecting and by-passing altogether the real Gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ, namely, "how that Christ died for our sins according to the scrip tures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (I Cor. 15:3, 4 ). The question o f the sinfulness o f the human heart is ignored completely. The only problems that are recognized by the vast majority o f these "do-good ” clergymen relate to social injustices, racial prejudices, unequal opportunities and the "downtrodden masses,” all o f which are merely symptoms o f a condition that exists in the heart o f unregenerate humanity. The symptoms are bad enough. The cause back o f these symptoms, however, is infinitely worse and is o f fiendish origin. This is sin in the human heart and it is
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