King's Business - 1966-09

S u n d a y S c h o o l L ite ra tu re G LO B A L ADVANCES in C H IN E â É


. . . a talented performer, experi­ enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com­ plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business­ man.

Mrs. John Pao, with the Evangel Press in Kowloon, Hong Kong, has been adapting and translating S cripture Press lessons and products for several years. She writes, “We like these materials because they are doctrinally sound and help our teachers relate God’s Word to the spiritual needs and problems of their pupils. We are now completing the translating of

by Edward H. Arensen (Photographer for this month’s cover) I w a n t TO PAY for a subscrip- to Kesho magazine .” The speaker, a young man, laid six silver shillings on the desk. “My name is Richard Moses and I come from Kisii,” he continued. As I wrote out the receipt, my mind wandered. Kisii was 160 miles upcountry in a hilly, fertile section o f Kenya. Seven years ago a delegation of Kisii elders had unexpectedly ar­ rived at our Kijabe Station. “We are looking for the one who puts the gospel words on the radio,” they had said. “ Is this the right mission station ?” On being assured that they had arrived at the right place, they made their request. “We want a mission s ta tion in Kisii. The words that come over the radio have reached our hearts. The peo­ ple o f Kisii need this good news.” Following this evident Mace­ donian call, a survey trip was made to the area. It was found that the whole district had been left to another mission according to comity arrangements between missions. Their work had not prospered but had succeeded in bringing a hunger for the true gospel of grace to many hearts. When the radio messages o f the Africa Inland Mission radio evan­ gelist, Timothy Kamau, brought the Word they had been seeking, people began to gather together to listen to this program. Finally a delegation had been selected to visit the Africa Inland Mission“ at Kijabe and seek help from those who had this message of life. Following the survey, a mis­ sionary couple, Rev. and Mrs. John Beadle, were assigned to the

Mrs. Pao

the three-year cycle of Young Teen Sunday School lessons. We have also translated several books with stories from Power. The lessons are used in nine countries of Southeast Asia.” Scripture Press Foundation invites you to pray for this worthy missionary project. Find out how you can share in this ministry. Write Scripture Press Foundation, Chinese Literature Department, Box 513, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137.

Scripture Press products are available in these 25 languages for more than 80 foreign-speaking countries:

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For further information write Dr. Roy B. Zuck, SCRIPTURE PRESS FOUNDATION Boi 513, Gian Ellyn, Illinois 60137.

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