Carry out post-project reviews, using lessons learned to develop best practice and continuous improvement. Conduct or commission/manage property and space utilisation, rationalisation and development studies to inform space strategy development and policies for implementation across UCL. Proactively research and develop new and innovative use of space, including teaching and learning spaces – in line with academic department needs, time-tabling, events coordination, project plans and aligned with relevant Institutional Strategies; collate and disseminate information. Provide specialist advice to school/faculty staff and academics to optimise their use of space, supporting the development of new methods of working in line with evolving space standards. Work collaboratively with the Project Mobilisation team to ensure a positive transition from projects to space occupation. Attend and contribute specialist space strategy input, including reports, business cases, data and presentations, to high level committees, programme planning, project team and other meetings. Work collaboratively with the Space Management team, providing advice and guidance on the interpretation and application of space strategy and norms; ensure that priorities and deadlines are met. Commitment to equality UCL is proud of its longstanding commitment to equality and to providing a learning, working and social environment in which the rights and dignity of its diverse members are respected. Among other initiatives, UCL has eight Athena SWAN awards for good employment practice for women working in science, engineering and technology in higher education and research. General This job description reflects the present requirements of the post, and as duties and responsibilities change/develop, the job description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post-holder. The post-holder will carry out any other duties as are within the scope, spirit and purpose of the job as requested by the line manager or Head of Department/Division. The post-holder will actively follow UCL policies including Equal Opportunities policies and be expected to give consideration within their role as to how they can actively advance equality of opportunity and good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it. The post-holder will maintain an awareness and observation of Fire and Health & Safety Regulations.
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