Harman Law - July/August 2021

Is ‘Hammocking’ a BetterWay to Sleep?


Hammocking has become a popular leisure activity within the last 5–10 years, with the global hammock market growing about 17% between 2017 and 2021. As fun as it is, though, could hammocking be more than that? Could it be a better way to sleep, not just on camping trips or in the park, but in our homes, too? The short answer is that the data is inconclusive. More studies need to be done on the health benefits of sleeping in hammocks, and the studies that do exist lack sufficient sample sizes for meaningful conclusions. With that massive caveat out of the way, however, here are a few potential benefits of sleeping in a hammock.

in a hammock could mean a decreased risk of dust mites). If you sleep on the ground, bugs will have easier access to you. Flying insects can still bother hammockers, but a good bug net for your hammock can fix that problem.

Pressure Point Relief

A good mattress can reduce pressure on the shoulders, back, and butt, while a bad mattress can do the opposite. Some hammock advocates claim that a hammock’s more flexible surface means pressure is spread more equally across all parts of the body. However, this benefit is purely theoretical and more study is needed to confirm the hypothesis.

regular bed and one in a swinging bed — results showed the men fell asleep faster in the swinging bed and that they had a longer light sleep before they entered a deep sleep. However, because the size of this study was so small, its conclusions need more verification. Until more data emerges to confirm what so many hammock enthusiasts already claim to know, you can still rest knowing that hammocking isn’t harmful; in fact, it’s really relaxing and fun.

Protection From Bugs

Deeper Sleep

This benefit really only matters if you’re sleeping outdoors (though, in theory, sleeping

According to a study from 2011 where 12 men took two 45-minute naps — one in a

Meet the Pets of Harman Law!

As you read on Page 1, Michael’s dog, Kinnick, is like a member of the Harman family — and his wife’s cat, Cameron, isn’t half bad either. It’s no wonder he has also built a team full of pet people! Here at Harman Law, pretty much everyone has a furry friend at home. Dogs are the clear favorite, but a few cats have captured our hearts, too. Our pets make us laugh, cheer us up when we’re down, and motivate us to work hard and put food in their bowls. (We know we’d get in trouble with them if we didn’t.) After you check out these pictures of Nakita, Hank, Nilla, Kenney, and the rest, we know you’ll fall in love with them just like we did. Want to see more pet photos? Let us know, and we’ll feature them in a future newsletter! We’re always happy to put our pals in the spotlight.

At 11, Christina’s cavalier King Charles spaniel, Kenney, still loves his bones.

Attorney Ina Shtukar’s son Daniel poses with their labradoodle puppy, Kelce. He already knows how to shake!

Azalea’s 5-year-old husky, Nakita, and 7-year-old beagle/border collie mix, Nilla, are best friends!

Samantha’s 2-year-old cat Little Bit loves to cuddle and nap in the sun.

Samantha’s cat Luna is a vocal, sassy girl who loves wrestling with her sister and watching birds out the window.

Samantha’s 4-year-old Staffordshire terrier/German shepherd mix Lillie goes berserk for whipped cream!

Christina’s rescue lab, Hank, just turned 4!


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