BIFAlink May 2024

Policy & Compliance

Common User Charge details

A fter a long wait, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has fi nally released details of the Common User Charge (CUC), which from 30 April 2024 applies to commercial movements of animal products, plants and plant products through the port of Dover and Eurotunnel. The charge applies to imports entering Great Britain and transits both entering and leaving Great Britain. The CUC garnered a lot of attention from food importers, distributors and also freight forwarders and logistics operators. Various industries involved in importing the affected commodities raised their concerns about many aspects of introducing the CUC, including the rates and whether they are reasonable. Also, the fact that the charge will apply even if the authorities do not select a consignment for sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) checks at a government-run Border Control Post (BCP) is viewed by some as controversial. That is because the charge is only

clear legal definition of the freight forwarder’s responsibility and potential liabilities. This concern may become particularly important in the context of a discussion about who the person responsible for the load (PRFL) is. As mentioned earlier, there does not seem to be sufficient legal clarity about it and the PRFL may have different meanings depending on the context or interpretation, a situation that has all the potential for creating confusion and likely discouraging many from being involved in moving the affected groups of products. BIFA is actively working with DEFRA in an attempt to address industry concerns, but we urge Members to pay attention to further announcements. The freight forwarder’s legal position may be impacted by future legislation and Members will need to be able to make informed decisions about their involvement in moving SPS goods and likely adjust their due diligence and compliance approach accordingly.

“ BIFA is actively working with DEFRA in an attempt to

supposed to pay for the government-run facilities.

At the time of writing, the details of how payments will be collected is still unclear. What is clear however, is that the charge will be assigned to the party lodging an IPAFFS (import of products, animals, food & feed systems) declaration, regardless of their position in the chain. Lodging a declaration This in effect means that a freight forwarder, acting as agent on behalf of a client, will be charged as the person lodging a declaration and that charge will have to be passed on further. BIFA’s concern is that a freight forwarder may effectively become a debt collector for DEFRA without a

address industry concerns

Scan the QR code for more information.

Come and meet us at Multimodal

networking marketplace for BIFA Members and associate Members to showcase the products and services they offer, providing an ideal opportunity for cargo owners who will be able to discuss their day-to-day freight forwarding requirements. This year, Multimodal 2024 celebrates 17 years of introducing shippers and cargo owners to exhibitors in a face-to-face environment. With a comprehensive conference programme, targeted at helping supply chains run more sustainably and more efficiently, a day at the show is an excellent use of your time. Multimodal 2024 takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 11-13 June. Scan the QR code to register to attend.

Once again personnel from the secretariat will be in attendance on the BIFA stand, at the centre of the BIFA Forwarders’ Village, at the Multimodal 2024 exhibition and conference. BIFA’s policy and compliance team will have a presence across all three days of the show to answer visitors’ questions and deliver guidance on the issues facing the freight and logistics sector. The trade association’s training team will also be on hand to demonstrate its

ever-increasing portfolio of training services. Visitors will be able to find out more about the benefits of membership, as well as what BIFA is doing to engage with its Members via initiatives such as its Young Forwarder Network, regional meetings and annual hallmark events, including the Business Leaders Forums. For the fourth year running, the BIFA Forwarders’ Village will provide a

Reporting Freight Related Crime to Border Force – Operations Pegasus and Pandora Please note that there are different numbers for air and ocean. Border Force has confirmed that all reports will be treated in the strictest confidence. Air Contact Numbers Tel: 0203 196 2456 (0700-2000) Tel: 0203 014 5604 (24-hours) Crimestoppers: 0800 555111 or 101 quoting reference Pegasus Ocean Contact Numbers Tel: 01394 303 116 (Office hours) Tel: 07920 587808 (24-hours) Quoting the reference Pandora.

BIFA Training

26 | May 2024

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