UWSP Sentry School of Business and Economics Banquet 2024

mother of two, and a 1997 UWSP graduate. The DaWalt family is rewarding a promising economics student with a scholarship as a way of giving back to UWSP. STEVE AND SHARI DAY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP SCHOLARSHIP After completing his associate degree at Gogebic Community College in Ironwood, Michigan, Steve Day transferred to Northern Michigan University in Marquette and received a bachelor’s degree. Even though his education was earned through the G.I. Bill, Steve applied for a veteran’s scholarship and was awarded for his two years at NMU. Steve was very grateful to have that additional money. Steve and Shari are pleased to be able to sponsor this scholarship at UWSP for a deserving veteran, drilling reservist or guardsman, or student. Also, the Day family views this scholarship as a tribute to Dr. Tom McCaig who was instrumental in establishing Steve’s philosophy on leadership and Dr. Bill Kirby who was very supportive and encouraging as Steve pursued his master’s degree. LEONARD F. DEBAKER SCHOLARSHIP The Leonard F. DeBaker Scholarship was established by the retired president of M&l Mid-State Bank and his wife Eunice in 1996. It recognizes and rewards the positive qualities of citizenship, leadership, outstanding character, hard work and commitment to community that epitomizes Mr. DeBaker’s vision. Leonard DeBaker spent over 50 years committed to the greater Stevens Point and UWSP community. EXPANDING HORIZONS SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is made possible by Marcia Tepp and Gary Hetzer. Marcia studied abroad as a business student and had experiences that would have never happened at home. The scholarship provides business and economic majors with the opportunity to study outside of the United States in a foreign environment developing their awareness of other cultures and experiencing people of all countries. JEFFERY E AND SALLY A FIDDLER CPS SCHOLARSHIP Jeffery and Sally Fiddler had backgrounds in business and education. Sally Fiddler was grateful for the efforts of Dean Warren Jenkins with respect to her receiving her degree. If it weren’t for his efforts she would not have had the ability to finish her course work and obtain her degree. With that degree, she went to Chicago, where she met her husband, Jeffery, and where she spent many years in the Chicago educational system. This allowed her to make a difference in the lives of her students, just as Dean Warren Jenkins


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