early contractor involvement The Ardmac Way
Ardmac’s BIM lead Service Penetration Management Process is fully coordinated from modelling through to site install, giving our clients full visibility of project progress through the use of a tailored Penetration Management BEP (BIM Execution Plan), software and live progress tracking to keep all stakeholders informed on project coordination and commercial outcome. The ECI (Early Contractor Involvement) stage of the programme is utilised in this case to insert Ardmac’s tailored BEP as a supplementary guide for service providers and the project BIM team. ECI (Early Contractor Involvement) leads to the best outcomes for our clients. An integrated approach to service penetrations during the pre-construction stage ensures alignment between contractors and client needs. The step-by-step process outlines the most efficient and impactful methods for identifying service penetration locations, generating penetration models with unique identifiers and freezing penetration models before construction commences. The model freeze is a key milestone in the BEP and creates the opportunity to evaluate the impacts of the penetrations on the structural stability and passive fire protection required at each interface. Where the structural stability of partitions may be compromised due to large openings or where clusters of openings occur, identifying long-lead, high risk elements such as secondary support steel becomes possible at a much earlier stage in the programme.
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