Board Meeting Date:
October 19, 2020 New Unfinished X Discussion
Consent Agenda
Executive Session
Agenda Item:
Palm Tree(s) Removal/Replacement
Approval Regarding At-Risk Trees
Submitted By:
Ed Vitrano, General Manager
Date: October 16, 2020
Background: At the August 7 Board meeting, an expenditure of $75,000 was approved to remove and replace compromised Date Palm trees. Since the amount was based on an estimate, the Board directed that multiple bids be sought for the work. The $2,200 per tree proved to be a low estimate, as provided by Reliable Tree Service. Since the Board’s approval, another top has come down on one of the trees and was removed. I went out and examined all 22 trees on the list. Richard Romero, of Reliable Tree Service had indicated that he was more extreme in his trimming this year to create less windage than in the past. I then focused on nine locations which needed action . . . some needed removal and replacement . . . some had already been removed. Included are five locations along Ramon Road where trees represent a liability or were removed several years ago and never replaced. I thought it important to get as tall trees as possible to match what is there so 30 footers was called out, where other locations we called out 16’ ones, like the ones on Palm Drive, which were placed a year or so ago. Reliable Tree Service has indicated that its expertise isn’t planting new trees and prefers that ORPS contracts with another firm to do that. The other firms don’t really want to remove trees, but their expertise is in planting. Both bidders to plant have a year warranty on the tree, which is consistent practice. The attached comparison spreadsheet includes $500/per tree to remove and stump grind, which will be done by Reliable. Motion(s) for Consideration: To approve an expenditure, in an amount of $27,800 from Reserves, to remove and/or replace nine Date Palm trees on Common Area, and award the work to remove four palms to Reliable Tree Service for $2,000, and award the work to plant nine trees to National Palm Distributors for $25,800. Designated Funding: Reserve Fund
Board Action:
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