October 19, 2020 Directors Report


Board Meeting Date:

October 19, 2020

New X Unfinished


Consent Agenda

Executive Session

Agenda Item:

Rule Changes – 1 st Reading


Submitted By:

Ed Vitrano, General Manager

Date: October 16, 2020


1. La Palma an El Saguaro Kitchens At the September 21st Board meeting, the Board discussed the management of the two kitchens. Due to the extensive renovation of the El Saguaro kitchen, and the need to use it for Association events and accompanying confusion when residents want to use it for casual use, the Board directed a simple change to the Rules. The verbiage now shows that the prox card reader to ES kitchen will be deactivated and all use must go through management at the Activities office. It is shown in the accompanying proposed Rule Change. The use of the La Palma kitchen for casual use will still be in effect. 2. Elections Apparently, Christina DeJardin, Association legal counsel, sent a draft change to the Election Rules late last year and for some reason it wasn’t acted on. When a recent review was done, the copy Christina had sent had some items not in the current ORPS version. I knew most of the changes had to be done due to significant legislation, but there were some that I thought you might want to keep. Find attached the current version with Christina’s comments on differences (such as dictating a Townhall) and a final copy incorporating the two. Please note that there are two options which the Board will have to decide as to whether they are wanted or not. Motion(s) for Consideration: To approve the 1 st Reading of the amended La Palma and El Saguaro Kitchen rules, and publish them for 28 days as required by law. AND To approve the 1 st Reading of the amended Election rules, and publish them for 28 days as required by law. Designated Funding: N/A

Board Action:

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