c. Candidates must not be delinquent in the payment of any regular or special assessments, with the exception of Owners who have entered into a valid payment plan with the Association. [OPTIONAL:] d. Candidates must have held membership in the Association for at least one (1) year prior to the date of the election. e. Candidates must not have been convicted of a crime that would prevent the Association from obtaining or maintaining fidelity bond coverage required by Civil Code Section 5806. N OMINATIONS 6. At least thirty (30) days prior to the deadline for submission of candidacy nominations, the Association shall provide Members with notice (via general delivery) of the procedures and deadline for submitting a candidacy nomination. 7. Procedures for nomination of candidates to the Board shall allow for a Member to nominate himself or herself and shall be consistent with the Governing Documents. V OTING 8. At least thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of ballots, the Association shall prepare: a. A candidate registration list showing the names of all candidates that will appear on the ballot; and b. A voter list which includes the name, voting power, mailing address, and separate interest address or parcel number for each Member. 9. Members have the right to inspect and verify the accuracy of their individual information on both lists identified in Section 8. Errors reported to the Inspector(s) of Elections shall be corrected within two (2) business days. 10. The Board may, but is not required to, set the date the ballots are mailed or otherwise delivered as the “voting cut-off date” to establish membership status for voting. 11. Every Member of record shall have the right to vote, unless the Board adopts the voting cut-off date and an individual was not a Member of Record as of that date. 12. The voting power of each Member shall be as described in the Association’s Bylaws and/or Declaration. I NSPECTOR ( S ) OF E LECTIONS 13. Inspector(s) of Elections (i.e. independent third parties) shall be appointed by the Board. The number of Inspector(s) of Elections shall be one (1) or three (3). If there are three (3) Inspectors of Elections, the decision or act of a majority shall be the decision or act of all. 14. The following persons may not serve as Inspector(s) of Elections: Board Members, candidates, persons who are related to Board Members, persons who are related to candidates, or any party who is currently employed or under contract with the Association for compensable services.
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