October 19, 2020 Directors Report


Board Meeting Date:

October19, 2020

New Unfinished

Discussion X Consent Agenda

Executive Session

Agenda Item: Description:

Multipurpose Room Usage Guidelines Consider Policy Change on Meeting Room Usage

Submitted By:

Greg Farmer, President – Board of Directors

Date: October 15, 2020

Background: We are all aware that the demand for meeting room space exceeds the supply. Meeting spaces are at a premium at ORPS with more groups and committees wanting meeting spaces than are available. This creates the need to have usage controlled and scheduled by Lifestyle and Events. See attached rules. The Quilters have and continue to dominate the usage of the West Room. They have asked to use the room Monday – Saturday. Last year the Quilters used the room primarily Monday through Thursday from 8 to 5. If we continue to allow this, there has been concern expressed by Management and some of the Board members, that we may be setting a precedent that we will come back to bite us in the future. Do we need to modify the Rules to limit the use of meeting rooms so that we can maintain consistency when other groups demand use of rooms that are being monopolized by another? Possible Changes to the Rules: • No one group, or committee, may monopolize a space, or meeting room exclusively to the exclusion of other groups, • Groups and/or committees may book meeting/room spaces for no more than one session, or day, per week, unless approved by management, • If management approves a group using a space, or a meeting room, more than one session, or day, per week, that approval can be withdrawn at any time to accommodate other groups, or committee’s requirements. For Consideration: • To consider modifications to the rules to prevent an expectation that a room can be dominated by any single group. • If we continue to agree that the Quilters can use the West Room as planned, should we put in place a written agreement with them stating that this is a privilege and could be revoked at any time by the BOD? Designated Funding: N/A

Board Action:

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