Board Meeting Date:
October 19, 2020
New Unfinished
Discussion X Consent Agenda
Executive Session
Agenda Item: Description:
Administrative Policies and Procedures
Consider Changes to Administrative Policies and Procedures
Submitted By:
Greg Farmer, President – Board of Directors
Date: October 15, 2020
Background: At the end of last season, we assembled an Ad Hoc committee to look at the Administrative Policies and Procedures as well as the resolutions. Each section was assigned to an individual to review and provide recommendations. These edited sections were forwarded to Jennifer Miranda for version control. The plan was to get the Board and Management together in person to review the “master” document in an effort to get to a final recommended version that would go through the standard first reading and posting. Additionally, we would review the Resolutions and determine what, if any, changes would be required. Due to Covid, it is impossible to get everyone together in person. Additionally, the Board last season considered the adoption of a Committees Policy that would provide an overall set of guidelines for Committees. The decision was made to defer the adoption of these guidelines until we had conducted the above effort as it was important to validate and verify that we did not have inconsistencies or conflicts in wording. If and when adopted, the guidelines would simplify the charters for each of the Committees. We also considered creating a designation of Clubs. We all are aware that the Tennis and Pickleball Committees specifically, function more as Clubs then Committees of the Board. See attached proposed requirements for Clubs. The fundamental difference between a Club and Committee is they would have less oversight in the way of a Board Liason. For Consideration: • Set up a Zoom meeting with the Board and Management, open to all owners to listen, where we would go through the Master document with the goal of coming up with a final version that could be submitted for a first reading. • At the same meeting, review the Resolutions to determine any required actions. • Add the proposed Club rules into the Administrative Policies and Procedures master document. • Develop a Resolution that would dissolve the Tennis and Pickleball Committees and convert them to Clubs. Designated Funding: N/A
Board Action:
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