October 19, 2020 Directors Report

9/24/2020 9/24/2020 9/24/2020 9/24/2020 9/24/2020 9/24/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 9/30/2020

Broken Bubbler Sprinkler broken


Joe-Done 09/24 Per Joe Done 09/25

9:10 AM

Lot 709


10:06 AM Lot 229

High Temperature Hot Tub not Hot Enough Inspect Sprinkler are functionig properly


14:44 am


Terry Jerry

10:46 AM Lot 869

Broken Sprinkler at the back of RV

Per Joe Done 09/25

8:00 AM 1:13 PM 8:58 AM 8:58 AM 9:21 AM 9:36 AM 8:47 AM 9:24 AM 1:38 PM 9:03 AM 3:56 AM 9:10 AM 9:48 AM

Lot 1027

Julia- Cmplnc John Miekosz Julia- Cmplnc Julia- Cmplnc Julia- Cmplnc

Lot 669 & Satelite D Rail/Gate repair

Bathroom Door doesn’t close on its own it sticks Fruit Clean Up in common area sode of Lot 628 Trees in the common area need to be trimmed Hornets Nest rear of coach near fence area in green box Go on list to get Lot Plants watered & Sand on lot Lot Light Repair

12:15 PM ESCH

Lot 628 Lot 628 Lot 909 Lot 199 Lot 069 Lot 431 Lot 082 Lot 1173 Lot 380 Lot 1173 Lot 380


No answer left voice message

Killer Beee will be out today @ 2:00

Per Joe Done - 09/28 Per Joe Done - 09/28

Water leak on Lot

Mike Brown

Tree trimming Sprinkler Issue

Brown James


RTW will be trimming trees today 09/29 till Monday

10:48 AM Lot 431 10:55 AM Lot 796

Per Joe Done - 09/28

Replacing an old 3" leaking gate valve

Joe N/A

Per Joe

No water in Lot

Lorenzo- Repair near lot

Water turn on till 11:30 am

Check sprinklers & Bubblers on lot to ensure they work When they will come out to cut trees for resort




RTW will be trimming trees today 09/29 till Monday

Inspect sprinkler & bubbler Tree Trimming Request


Per Joe Done - 10/08


Ms. Julia will confirm if tree needs Ms. Julia will confirm if the lot

trimming or not

11:19 AM Lot 026 11:49 AM Lot 1083 12:26 PM Lot 582 12:46 PM ESCH

Tree Responsibility

Christopher T. John Lehman

owner is responsible or not

Sprinkler are not working in the back Kitcehn sink clogged/Garbage Disposal

Per Joe Done- 09/30

Scalping but soon they will have grass




Per Joe Done- 10/02 Per Joe Done- 10/02

12:50 PM Lot 669 & Lot 668

Sprinkler Issue

Julia- Cmplnc

9:08 AM 9:28 AM 9:31 AM 9:37 AM

Lot 388

Clean up bird feces around court and sitting area


Pickleball Court

Hose Bib frozen


HOA Office

Fumigate surrounding and common area for red ants

N/A Paul

Done per Dewey Pest Control

09/30 or 10/1 per schedule

Lot 199

Bulk Item Pick Up Sprinkler Broken

12:43 PM Lot 035 12:53 PM Lot 028

Per Joe Done - 10/02

Debris/Leafs Clean Up


4:08 PM

Lot 762

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