Outdoor Resorts Palm Springs
Maintenance – Summer color will be removed on the first week of September and we will begin turning over beds and adding mulch to prep for October planting of winter color.
* After the extreme heat of August, we can look forward to somewhat cooler days in September. Shorter days lessen the severity of daytime temperatures that may still be over a hundred degrees. September is a time of performing tasks in preparation for the fall planting season. By mid - September temperatures have usually cooled to levels that allow consideration of new plantings of most landscape plants. New growth will begin to appear on sun damaged plants. Dead and damaged foliage should be removed. Fertilize these plants to encourage new growth. Summer annual flowers should be removed, and beds prepared for Fall flowers. In turf areas irrigation should be reduced as cutting heights are lowered in preparation for reseeding next month. Last chance to apply herbicides to control nut sedge before overseeding.
Mowing – We will begin renovation on entire property on Monday September 28th
Fertilization— None scheduled
Herbicide – During the week of September 21st we will be spraying growth regulators on all turf in preparation for scalping.
SHRUBS Focus Pruning – Normal clubhouse and satellite rotation Plant Replacement— None scheduled, however Joe will be putting a plant replacement list together for items that need to be replaced prior to opening.
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