This is an addendum to the Concessionaire Lease Agreement between Landlord and Tenant executed on September 24, 2018, and expiring on September 31, 2021. The parties hereby ratify the existing Agreement and express the terms by which Tenant will also enter into a Lease of the Coffee Bar facility located at the El Saguaro Clubhouse. All terms of the existing Agreement shall apply to the Lease of the Coffee Bar, subject to the following additional terms: Section 2. PREMISES , is amended to add that the licensed Premises will include the Coffee Bar facility at El Saguaro Clubhouse, including all of the fixtures and equipment therein provided by Landlord, to be operated by Tenant under the name “Roma Coffee Café”. Section 4b. GROSS REVENUE , is amended to state that the Grosse Revenues for purpose of calculating the rent due from Tenant under Section 4a. shall include the total of revenues received from the La Palma Café, the ES Roma Coffee Cafe, and any revenue derived from catering services provided by Tenant at the ES Clubhouse or elsewhere within the Resort. Section 4c. STATEMENT OF GROSS REVENUE is amended to add that the statement provided monthly for calculation of the rent due under Section 4a. will be presented in the form of Attachment A. Section 5 USE is amended to add the following pertaining to the Roma Coffee Cafe: a. Hours - The Roma Coffee Cafe will be open _______________________. b. Menu – The Roma Coffee Cafe will serve a selection of beverages, pastries, snacks, and prepackaged sandwiches and salads. The parties mutually wish to maximize revenues and customer satisfaction and will have ongoing consultations regarding menu offerings at Roma Coffee Café and Bella Roma Cafe.
_________________________________________________ By: Edwin J. Vitrano, General Manager
TENANT – TACOOK Enterprises, LLC, dba Bella Roma Dated: ______________
_________________________________________________ By:
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