Executive Meeting Date:
October 19, 2020
Unfinished X Discussion
Consent Agenda
Executive Session
Agenda Item:
CVWD Property
Approval of Purchase
Submitted By:
Ed Vitrano, General Manager
Date: October 16, 2020
Background: Find attached a new Draft of the Purchase and Sale Agreement with CVWD. After my review, I believe it meets the new standing, more specifically that a new wall will be built rather than one being moved in the corridor leading to the Dog Park. The Landscape Set is included with this Director’s Report, since some Members have claimed not to have seen a depiction of the Dog Park. It is best seen on Page 8 of the document. I noticed that the Agreement refers to the execution of a Dog Park License, which would seem to be dependent on the attached one being revised and I have reached out to Brett Kelly, of Prime Asset, to urge an updated version. The Board has authorized the General Manager to complete the negotiations of the sale but I’m uncomfortable doing so, without Board’s prior approval, since the document has changed. Does anyone know if legal counsel has reviewed any of the drafts and, if not, I highly recommend that Christina DeJardin set eyes on it. Motion(s) For Consideration: Approve the revised Purchase and Sales Agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), in the amount of $30,000, for purchase of real property, pending a revised Dog Park License and review by legal counsel. Designated Funding: Capital Projects (Budgeted)
Board Action:
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