King's Business - 1964-12

kinship to him, as he too is a bass- baritone. I went into a professional career and did some of the things that he could have done, had he chos­ en. I became an opera singer, as you know, and went into the Metropoli­ tan Opera. I know a man like Bev­ erly Shea, with his beautiful voice, could have done the same thing very easily. He chose instead to give his voice entirely to God. I found God rather late, but hereafter I am determined to use my voice for His glory wherever and whenever I can.

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Mr. Hines A bout T he A uthor

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Jerome Hines was born in Holly­ wood in November, 1921. At sixteen years of age he entered UCLA as a chemistry major during which time he was also studying to be an opera singer. By the time he received his B.A. degree in 1943, he had already appeared with the San Francisco Opera and the Los Angeles Phil­ harmonic in the Hollywood Bowl. In the fall of 1946 he debuted with the Metropolitan Opera where he has since performed all the major bass repertoire in four different lan­ guages for sixteen years. He has also appeared in most of the major opera houses of the world including the Bolshoi in Moscow where he sang “ Boris Godunov” before Pre­ mier Khrushchev during the Cuban crisis of 1962. He sang for four persidents—four times for President Kennedy while in office. Scenes from “ I Am the Way,” his own operatic composition, were performed on The Voice of Firestone television pro­ gram on which he has made fre­ quent appearances. He has appeared many times on TV with Ed Sullivan and Steve Allen. Despite his busy schedule, Mr. Hines is a devoted fa­ ther of four boys and is married to the talented soprano Lucia Evan­ gelista who shares with him in his Christian service in “ I Am the Way” and various other projects. Available in printed form from the American Tract Society, Oradell, New Jersey.

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Dr. John R. Rice

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