King's Business - 1964-12

He takes your place, acting as your representative . . . in this case stand­ ing in any manner would be joining in the idolatrous ceremony . . . Sup­ pose one is at a sports event and the flag is paraded by, at which time people take off their hats for the flag. There the very gesture is in the nature of a salute . . . So if a witness of Jehovah were required to be at such a place where a flag might be paraded by, then he would have to take his stand for Bible principle.” (Apparently what is meant by this is that the boy would retain his hat on his head.) As to the national anthem: So when it comes to standing for these songs, the witness of Jehovah must ask himself what the standing signi­ fies. If arising from a seated posi­ tion and standing while the music is played is all that is expected to show that he is in accord with the sentiments of the song, the Chris­ tian (JW) would refrain from doing so . . . The way the national an­ thems are handled is that usually all a person has to do in order to indicate to all present that he shares the sentiments of the song is to stand up . . . Do school songs come into the same category as na­ tional anthems? Yes, they are viewed the same way . . . sung with religious fervor and with cheers, and the students are expected to arise. It is a matter of paying hom­ age to an institution of the world, which Jehovah’s witnesses cannot do . . . Suppose in a music class you are required to sing a national anthem? . . . Though a witness of Jehovah could not conscientiously sing the words, some sing the notes to show they know the tune” (? ) As to school offices: “ Since Jeho­ vah’s witnesses as adults do not mix in politics, it is only reasonable that children of Jehovah’s witnesses do not mix in politics on a school level, either by accepting an elective of­ fice or participating in conferring such an office upon others.” As to c o m p e t i t i v e sports: “He avoids training for activities that are not in accordance with what the Bible says in Isaiah 2:4. Hence a witness of Jehovah could not accept training in the technique of injur­ ing others, though he would co-op­ erate with other school-hour phys­ ical education activities.” The motive for all of this unnat­ ural attitude to normal school life is stated: “Your guarding your integ­ rity while at school will bear good fruits, because you are proving to God that you are the kind of person who he says will live in his everlast­ ing system of things.”

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