King's Business - 1964-12

D r . T a J / t o o t ’s d u L e s t i o n .

B o x

ble sin, condemned by God and for­ bidden in His Word. We must al­ ways compare Scripture with Scrip­ ture in order to obtain an under­ standing of the Bible. It could refer to capital punish­ ment for murder, which is God’s de­ terrent to crime, and established by Him long before the Mosaic law was given, so that it applies to the entire human race, as stated in Genesis 9:6. That kind of “killing” is not murder but judicial punishment for murder. No revenge or hate enters into it. However, this verse may simply refer to killing of beasts, birds and fish for food as also established by God after the flood. While the chil­ dren of Israel were not to eat the blood, they were told to eat the flesh. The creatures they were permitted to eat for food are described in Le­ viticus 11. Of course we are not un­ der the law of Moses, it having been fulfilled in Christ, so we may eat any “ creature.” This is fully explained in I Timothy 4:1-5. BRINGING IN THE KINGDOM Q. Recently I heard a denomination­ al youth leader urging us as young people to go out and bring in the kingdom. How can we do this? He said we could convert the world, if each one did his part. A. To me this is a very moving question. I am sure it is in the minds of many young people who hear in­ spiring, but unscripitural, messages along this line. God never intended that we should go out and “ bring in the kingdom.” This is the pre­ rogative of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will personally bring the king­ dom with Him when He comes again. You cannot have a kingdom without a king, and our King is still in Heaven. However, we can all be wit­ nesses for Christ, and by our life and words seek to win others to Him. Then they too will be ready for the coming of the Lord.

on the mount of transfiguration? We know Elijah was translated but Moses was not. A. In answer to your question in regard to the kind of bodies that Moses and Elijah had on the Mount of Transfiguration, let me say that we cannot be absolutely sure but can only conjecture from other Scrip­ tures. For one thing, we know that they were completely recognizable so they were not spirits, but bodies. As you have suggested, Elijah had been translated and no doubt had re­ ceived his glorified resurrection body in which he appeared on the Mount. No doubt our resurrection bodies will be similar for ours are to be “ like unto Christ’s glorious body or body of glory.” It is true Moses had died but there is a mystery about his death, and burial, as you know. In Jude we read that there was a dis­ pute between the archangel Michael and the devil over the body of Moses (v. 9) which seems to have a strange significance. Evidently the matter was of great importance. Some have suggested that perhaps God hid Moses’ grave in order that men might not worship the place. At any rate, it is quite clear that Moses died but he too must have received his resurrection body on this occasion. Prophetic teachers believe that Moses represents the Old Testament saints and also those who will go through death before the Lord’s re­ turn and that Elijah as the raptured one represents that body of believ­ ers who will be living when Christ comes and will not see death but be raptured (I Thes. 4:14-18). MURDER Q. When can there ever be a “ time to kill” according to Ecclesiastes 3:3? A. You have asked an interesting question in regard to Ecclesiastes 3:3—“ a time to kill.” Let us say at the outset that this can have no ref­ erence to murder, which is a terri­

BAPTISM Q. What baptism is referred to in John 3:5: “ Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God?” Is this water baptism.? A. I do not believe this refers to water baptism at all. In other verses we have the beautiful ordinance of baptism explained as the outward sign of the inward work of God in the soul. In Romans 6 it is re­ ferred to as a burial with Christ in His death and is also a symbol of the resurrection to newness of life. I believe this reference is to the liv­ ing Word of God. “ Faith coming by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). We read in Psalm 119:9 that a young man’s way is cleansed by taking heed to the Word of God. Water is often used as a figure for God’s Word. We receive the Holy Spirit when we are born again, when we are saved but there can be many fillings of the Spirit for service, for power, for strengthening of our spiritual lives. THIEVES Q. Is there any way of telling which thief was on the right of Jesus or which on the left? A. No. There are three accounts in the Scriptures in regard to the two thieves who were crucified with the Lord Jesus Christ: Matt. 27:38, Mark 15:27 and Luke 23:33. Only Luke tells of the conversion of the repentant one although all three Gos­ pel accounts speak of their being cru­ cified “ one on the right hand and the other on the left.” As you read the accounts carefully, you will note that there is no way to tell which one was on the cross to the left and which one was on the cross to the right of our Saviour. TRANSFIGURATION Q. What kind of bodies did Elijah and Moses have when they appeared



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