King's Business - 1964-12

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That They Might Not Perish Many Hebrew Christians are bitterly persecuted because of their stand for Christ. Not only socially ostracized, but in many areas of the world, the Lord’s brethren are even denied employment! Make this Christmas a truly joyous one by giving from your love to relieve this poverty. Give them strength for their trials; faith to witness o f God’s saving grace to their lost brothers. W e learn of their plight from a Hebrew Christian in Israel, “ I am an upholsterer and earn very little, but I am so happy our Lord Jesus offers many chances to witness. Thank you for great help of food for my family.” Another writes, “ Already we shiver under blankets because of the sparse heat in our room. The purchasing of the simplest food means a problem for us. Your CARE package is life sustaining. You have not failed us in the past and we trust that you will respond to this plea.” A 69-year-old behind the Iron Curtain, “ Three major operations took all I had. Everything has been sold to pay the bills. I have no other resource Rev. David Bronstein, Secy. International Hebrew Christian Alliance CEYLON ano IND IA g e n e r a l m i s s i o n and PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our Ministry Includes: orrespondence Bible Courses ndigenous Churches ospel and Literature Distribution inistry to Lepers — so I turn to Christian brothers for help. God must have a reason to keep me alive.” W ill yon share in this m inistry o f m ercy? For informative literature about this worldwide testimony, write: C A N A D A 142-K Curzon St., Toronto, Ont. IN U.S.A. P.O. Box 506-K, Clearwater,Fla.

“ " O ray F0R BlLL>” he said, with -IL deep concern. Bill was his son who was associating with unchris­ tian friends and doing things that were not approved by his father. He realized that some change should come in Bill’s life and felt sure that prayer would help. It would have been easy to include Bill in a general prayer like this: “ God bless Bill and lead him into a godly life,” or a similar superficial petition. But something definite needed to be done for Bill. His fa­ ther seemed quite confident that prayer would do this. In Acts 26:18 the Lord gave Paul the way in which to win the Gentiles to God. First, he promised that “ he would open their eyes through the Gospel.” They would then see and understand clearly. He would then “turn them from darkness to light.” The natural way of living is in dark­ ness; God’s way is the way of light. “ And from the power of Satan unto the power of God.” They were in the power of Satan but God’s power could deliver them, and it did. Then they would receive the for­ giveness of sins and inheritance among those that are sanctified. This transformation would be ac­ complished through faith in Jesus Christ. If this is the way people are saved, it is the way to pray for their salvation. Bill’s condition was the same as those Gentiles. Pray that his mind will be opened to the Gospel. Pray that he may see clearly the results of his present interests and activities and consider a better way, God’s way. Pray that the power of the devil over his life may be broken and that God’s power will take over. Pray that through the power of God he will ask for forgiveness of his sins and make new friendships with God’s people. This is the way the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned Paul to win the Gentiles. Will you pray for Bill, Sandra, Tim, or Mary to be brought to Christ in the same manner? Those who request prayer for someone are deeply concerned about their spirit­ ual welfare. Prayer may be the only way to reach them. God will answer when we pray.



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PANAMA C O S TA RICA N ICARAGUA HONDURA S EL SALVADOR G U A TEM A L A MEXICO 700 national churches need strengthening for the task 230 active missionaries need God’s direction, as they go all out to get out the Gospel in Central America and Mexico. FOR PRAYER FACTS WRITE: J£%?5ENTRAL AME* !££ ÆSŒ8S! Address KB



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