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position, on the contrary, is to take seriously and to emphasize the crea­ tion-fall-redemption a c c o u n t s of Scripture.—Reviewed by Dr. Bolton Davidheiser. 30 pages; paper; Pres­ byterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Philadelphia; no price given. A Land Born in a Day By R. H. Mount, Jr. The subtitle explains the purpose of this book by a Christian engineer, who has taken to the Bible teaching platform: “ Irrefutable Proof That the Holy Bible is the Inspired Word of God and Offers the Only Way to Eternal Life.” The method taken is to draw upon astronomy and ancient traditions to i l l u s t r a t e Biblical truths. The author contends that “ all religions have a common origin in the imaginary figures in the heav­ ens” (referring to the constella­ tions) (p. 52). To illustrate the sig­ nificance and meaning of the estab­ lishment of the modern state of Is­ rael, Mr. Mount inserts pictures of many of the stamps with emphasis upon their prophetic significance. In fact, one will look far to find in one place such an extensive dealing with the religious significance of Israel’s postal issues. Not all will agree with all of Mr. Mount’s conclusions, but all will find this a fascinating trea­ tise. 223 pages; cloth; the author, 1298 Marlin Dr., Mansfield, Ohio; no price listed. The Bible as History in Pictures By Werner Keller The author’s previous work, The Bible as History, became a best sell­ er. This is entirely rewritten and lavishly illustrated with 329 illus­ trations and eight color plates. It is a pictorial history of Biblical events in the light of archaeological finds, which must be understood as one makes use of it. Setting the Bible in its historical and cultural context, is the next best thing to taking a trip through all the Bible lands with a guide experienced in history and an­ tiquities. The majority of the illus­ trations are photographic, including museum artifacts, monuments, and landscape scenery. Biblical refer-

A Christian View of Modern Science By Robert L. Reymond

The Bible is unique among an­ cient writings in presenting the creation of the universe from noth­ ing. Only God in three Persons was present at creation, and our knowl­ edge of it depends upon His revela­ tion to us concerning it. Science claims to work with “ facts,” and as Karl Pearson said, “ The goal of sci­ ence is clear—it is nothing short of the complete interpretation of the universe.” Thus there is at the very outset a basic conflict between Chris­ tian theology and the philosophy of science, for science disregards the Christian God in its attempt to ex­ plain the origin of the universe. The real conflict between science and religion does not have to do with individual facts so much as with the philosophy of science, which is a way of thinking. God has said to us, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8, 99). The author says that Christians must take the offensive and warn those indoctrinated with the philosophy of science that their doctrine of uni- formitarianism is a wilful, and hence sinful, rejection of the revelation of God. The New Evangelical theologians feel compelled to make certain aca­ demic concessions to modern science, as with their “ threshold evolution” and “progressive creationism.” The Neo-Orthodox theologians, as repre­ sented by Barth, have rejected the Biblical account of creation as his­ torical, and as a result are unable to challenge the fallacies of the phi­ losophy of science. The liberal theo­ logians, of course, accept the mod­ ern philosophy of science. “Thus as theological thought moves progres­ sively to the left, an increasing affin­ ity develops between the modern theologian and non-believing scien­ tist, the end result being the failure of modern theology to challenge the unbelief of scientism.” The Christian

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