King's Business - 1964-12

Illuminating texts for Bible scholars

ences abound for relating these things to the sacred narrative.—360 pages; cloth; William Morrow & Co., New York; $7.95. An Introduction to Evangelical Christian Education Edited by J. Edward Hakes The editor has selected thirty-two well-known evangelical leaders in the field of Christian education to write the various chapters in this book. This provides a breadth and variety not possible with a single authorship. Thirty-two comparative short chap­ ters are grouped around five main subject fields: backgrounds, prepar­ ing to teach, understanding the learner, organizing the learner, and agencies of Christian education. An excellent bibliography at the end of each chapter makes the book a valua­ ble resource for anyone interested in additional reading in the field.— Reviewed by Kenneth D. Carlson. 423 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chi­ cago; $5.95. BOOK ENDS_______ (A Review of Current Publications) BIBLE W O R KBO O K by Catherine B. Walker. 2 vols.; paper; M oody Press, Chicago; $1.25 ea. Questions with spaces for written answers based upon the reading of the text. Some deal with individual chapters, some with sections. Reissue. EV A N G ELISM IN THE ACTS bv C. E. Autrey. 87 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The real purpose of the book is expressed in its closing chapter, ''Apostolic Evangelism Adapted to the Twentieth Century." The source of power in the Acts is traced in its work under internal and external handicaps and found to be the key to church expansion both in the early church and now. C H R IST IA N W RITERS H AN D BO O K by Janice Gosnell and Mary Allen Powell. 124 pages; paper; M oody Press, Chicago; $1.50. Practical suggestions to aspiring writers for Christian pub­ lications and publishers. M ost of the types of Christian writing are covered with an analysis of the various markets. K A R L BA RTH A N D EV A N G ELIC A LISM by Cor­ nelius Van Til. 33 pages; paper; Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., Nutley, N.J. $.60. Does Karl Barth represent a "new evangelicalism"? Many think so, but this little pamphlet traces the underlying reasons why this theologian must be judged as having espoused a "new modernism," or even a "new naturalism." THE IN FA LLIB LE W O RD by N. A. Woychuk. 77 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $.29. A well-written little work, summing up the superior qualities of the Bible: its inspiration, authenticity, eternity, and its attestation by prophets and apostles. W H A T DOES THE BOOK OF M O R M O N TEACH ? by Gordon H. Fraser. 128 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago $.39. No. 501 of the Moody Col- portage Library. Gives a clear and forceful ex­ planation of the origins and the chief .literary work of Mormonism, with a view to setting its historical and scientific statements in clear focus, and to discount them. It is not a vitriolic attack, but a quiet examination of the evidence. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue . Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.



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WM. B.



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