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s cience and the Bible by Bolton Davidbeiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College (
U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paul J. Levin
Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. A sk for "H ave You Com e?" and "Serious ly Speaking." Act now! BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa
F OR centuries it was believed that stone axeheads and other stone weapons made by uncivilized people were thunderbolts and that they had fallen from the sky. In support of this belief people reported finding the weapons at the exact place where lightning had been observed to strike. In France and Scandinavia, as recently as the last century, stone implements were still placed in the walls of houses because of another faulty observation — that lightning does not strike twice at the same place. This not only involves several false observations, it also implies that lightning can be deceived so that it will not strike where there is circumstantial evidence that it has previously struck. In 1649 Andrianus Tollius ex plained how stone axeheads are formed. He did not offer this as a theory, but said it as though every statement were absolute fact. He said, “ They are generated in the sky by the circumflexed humor and as it were baked by intense heat; and the weapon becomes pointed by the damp mixed with it flying from the dry part, leaving the other denser; but the exhalations press it so hard that it breaks through the cloud and makes thunder and lightning.” However, stones and chunks of metal really do fall from the sky. Generally such matter burns up due to friction as it falls through the earth’s atmosphere, but many pieces reach the earth and are known as meteorites. Strangely, it was be lieved just as strongly by the erudite that meteorites could not have fallen from the sky as it was believed that human artifacts did fall from the sky. It seems that until a shower of small meteorites occurred in France in 1803 and forced a change of opinion, scientists in general and astronomers in particular did not be lieve that stones could fall from the sky. They said it was impossible and that it was therefore not true. They contended that those who claimed to have observed meteorites fall were liars or that the observations were faulty.
While scientists held the erroneous b'elief that stones could not fall from the sky, others came to the equally incorrect conclusion that s to n e s which fell from the sky must be sacred. There are numerous exam ples of meteorites which have been revered as sacred in Asia, Europe, and even in America. The black stone in the “holiest of holies” of the Mo hammedans is no doubt a meteorite. An object which fell down from the sky (the word image does not occur in the original) was revered in the city of Ephesus (Acts 19:35). There is a Stone which came down from above and is a Stone to be revered and worshipped. This is “ the Stone which the builders rejected” and which has become “ the head of the comer.” This is the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible the Lord is referred to at least 17 times as a stone or a rock.* As He came down from above, He also ascended again, and He will return again from thence (Acts 1:9-11, John 14:2, 3, etc.). With the present emphasis on the scientific method, which has brought about a denial of supernatural events, many are saying that it could not happen and that therefore it is not true. They deny that the Lord came from above and profess that He was a man as other men. To those who would not believe when He was on earth, He said, “You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world; I am not of this world . . . you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins” (John 8:23, 24. A.S.B.). On the same occasion He said to those who believed, “ If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31, 32. A.S.B.). *Rock : I Sam. 2:2; II Sam. 22:3 Isa. 17:10; Ps. 28:1, 31, 2, 3; 89:26 95:1; Mat. 16:18; Rom. 9:33; I Cor 10:4. Stone: Ps. 118:22; Isa. 28:16 Mat. 21:42; Mk. 12:10; Lk. 20:17 Acts 4:11; I Pet. 2:6.
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