T R A I N I N G with P U R P O S E d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d / a c c r e d i t e d NURSINGi
Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital instructions and experience. The 12-month • course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board of Examination and obtain the L.V.N. Classes start in September. DENTISTRY
B io l a extends congratulations to the Bethany Bible Church of Phoenix, Arizona, upon the comple tion of their new $450,000 sanctu ary. Under God, the pastor, Dr. John L. Mitchell, the Minister of Chris tian Education, Eev. William H. Muir, and the Minister of Youth, Rev. Louis K. Schneider, along with their faithful, self-sacrificing mem bers and friends, have erected a unique and attractive plant which
Four-month course. Approved by the Southern California Dental A s sociation. Lectures, Laboratory, and Clinical training are offered in one semester. Practical training in mis sionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives in laboratory analysis and cal practice. Instruction how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently
with common ailments. Classes start in January.
Sanctuary from the pulpit will serve well the various facets of this growing work. Evangelical and non-denominational, Bethany B i b l e Church has increased from a mem bership of 75 at its founding in 1955 to 1,000, and its Sunday School at tendance is more than 1000. Most impressive is its missionary record. Using the Faith Promise plan of giving at an annual missionary con ference, the church has been able to
BIOLA SCHOOL OF M IS S IO N A R Y M ED IC IN E 558 So. Hope Sh, Los Angeles 17, Calif.
50 other missionary endeavors are supported by i n t e r e s t e d friends through the church, so that the mis sionary budget totals approximately $50,000 a year. In these days of unusual church buildings, the Lord’s people will be interested in the details of this structure. The new sanctuary is of masonry block with pine beams, and is designed with a pitched roof over the nave and chancel to the east front wall, and a flat roof over the two story west portion. A 17-foot high faceted stained glass window in the front of the chancel portrays the Biblical theme of the church. The unit covers 30,500 square feet, is located on 6% acres of land and re places the original sanctuary which
will become a multipurpose hall. To gether with a balcony and overflow lounge, the sanctuary can accommo date more than 1,500. Included among the outlying rooms are a Sun day School instructional materials center, offices, 12 classrooms, record ing studio, projection room, lounge, and kitchenette. F i v e additional units on the church property will continue to be utilized for Christian education. An inter-phone system with a capacity for 20 telephones will tie together all major stations of the church plant. As Bethany Bible Church seeks to glorify Christ in all aspects of its church program, the prayers of the Lord’s people for their success are assured.
Exterior of main sanctuary assume the responsibility for 32 mis sionaries and 4 institutional proj ects. In addition to these, more than
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