King's Business - 1964-12

Superin­ tendent’s

^Thousands of Sunday-School Superintendents use this handy Guide—the only volume of its kind covering the entire year. Leader guidance material. Pro­ gram helps, order of service, desk lesson material, pages for records and other aids. Interna­ tional Sunday School Lessons.



New 1965


Pocket size, 3 V 2 x 5 V 2 . 92 pages. $1.00 _

American Sunday-School

TH E BIB LE'S IN F LU EN C E I just wanted to write you a note to express my thanks for the article in the October issue of THE K ING ’S BU S INESS written by a teen-ager, Judith Diane Claassen, “ The Bible’s Influence on the Modern World.” I do not think I have ever read a more interesting article, and one that was so well put together. There is one sentence that I especially like: “ If we believe it, (the Bible) whether it is true or not, we have nothing to lose, but if we do not believe it, and it is true, we will have eternity to regret for that dread­ ful mistake.” Mrs. Ernest S. Delvey, Pacific Grove, California M IL IT A R Y C H A P L A IN S Could I please enlist your support in this very vital matter concerning our service men? A letter to our leaders in­ cluding Secretary of Defense Mc­ Namara could help. A s you may have read, the American Civil Liberties Union through our courts are attempting to have our chaplains thrown out of the military services. Being the widow of a navy career man and with three branches of military services represented in our family, we have had the occasion to call on chaplains help several times throughout the years. Aside from the spiritual, these chaplains have at times gone beyond their call of duty to help. This is why it was and is a great source of comfort and consolation to me to know that my young Navy son was not alone in his dying hours last year. Having just been released from the hospital with heart attacks, I was not permitted to be with him, but the chaplain stayed right with my son. Now, with a grandson and two nephews in the service and with several more coming into military age in our family, I cannot help but being concerned about this. Mrs. Irene E. Callen, Long Beach, California QU EST ION BO X I read your question and answer page regularly in THE K ING ’S BU S I­ NESS , which I have been reading for the past forty years. Mrs. G. A. Godshall, Parkasie, Pennsylvania I have been enjoying your magazine for some years now, and find solace and comfort in the answers you pass on to the readers. The covers are very nice and decorative. I find THE K ING ’S BUSINESS to be one of— and really the best of— all religious magazines. I pass them on to our church librarian. Mr. Iva L. Papworth, W inter Haven, Florida



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