King's Business - 1964-12

(continued from page 13) dren, an infirmary, a machine shop, and an administration building. At the present time over fifty chil­ dren are being cared for at the or­ phanage. Many of these children have come from broken homes. In others perhaps the mother has been taken by disease and the children are left to struggle for themselves. Soon after Mr. Stroman’s first trip to Mexico, he began taking friends down to see this area and to chal­ lenge young people to go to see a real mission field. Thus four hundred young people have been exposed to the realities of a foreign mission field. Some of these young men and women have come from as far north as Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. They come to share. They are given an opportunity to work on the grounds, hand out Gos­ pel tracts, participate in the services through music and also to give a tes­ timony through an interpreter if they cannot speak Spanish. Only eternity will reveal what has really happened in the hearts of many of these young people. Mr. Stroman has received many letters stating their desire to return to Latin America as missionaries and to Mexico, if God so leads. Centro die Amparo has had a two-fold ministry; many who have come to minister, have been minis­ tered to. Since that first trip in April of 1959, Mr. Stroman has made the five hundred mile round trip seventy- six times. Each time has been a thrilling experience with new bless­ ings, new heartaches, and new chal­ lenges. Besides the work of Centro de Amparo, the Mexican Fellowship has seen the desperate need for a true- to-the-Bible Spanish Christian lit­ erature in the areas of Mexico where their workers serve. Last year over ten thousand tracts and hundreds of Gospels of John were distrubuted by friends of the Fellowship. There is still much to be done at Centro de Amparo, but God has blessed and much has been accom­ plished as faithful believers have seen the need and faced the chal­ lenge. As Mr. Stroman explained it, “ As we extend a loving hand in the Name of Christ to the needy ones in Mexico and provide medicine for the sick, clothing and food for the needy, we are reminded of the truth ‘But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compas­ sion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth’ (I John 3:17-18).”

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