King's Business - 1964-12

“There is your answer, Barbara! You must first take something from Him before any gift of yours would please Him. He has a gift for you— listen to this verse: ‘The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). When you take the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour, Barbara, He gives you this wonderful gift of everlasting life,” and Mother read John 1:12 and John 3:16. Barbara’s face showed her eager­ ness to know more, so Mother told her, in language she could under­ stand, the story of Jesus and His love. She told of the angel that an­ nounced His birth in Bethlehem’s manger so long ago; of the star that guided the wise men from afar; of His earthly life, which was climaxed by His death on the cross of Calvary. “ He suffered and died for you,” Barbara’s mother continued, “ in or­ der that you might have the g ift He longs to give, the gift of everlasting life.” “Mother”—it was a subdued Bar­ bara now—“ Mother, how may I take His g ift? ” “ How did you receive the gift of the doll that Daddy and I gave you for your birthday?” “Why, I just took it and said, ‘thank you,’ didn’t I ? ” “Yes, and that is the way you re­ ceive God’s gift of everlasting life. Thank Him for Jesus, who loved you and gave Himself for you.” Together Barbara and her mother knelt, and Barbara received God’s g ift of everlasting life. Joy filled her heart and showed in her face as she rose from her knees. Mother kissed her tenderly and told her that in heaven the angels were rejoicing over this decision she had made. “ Now, Barbara, you are ready to make your gift to the Lord Jesus for His birthday,” she said. And Mother read the words of Romans 12:1: “ I beseech you therefore, brethren, . . . that ye [Barbara] present’ your body, that is, make a present of yourself. It is you the Lord Jesus wants, Barbara.” Barbara gave her­ self to Him, as she prayed this little prayer that any boy and girl might pray, “ Lord Jesus, I give myself to Thee today to be Thy living gift.” Then Mother sang softly part of a verse from an old song she had learned long ago: “ Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.” “Oh, Mother, I’m so happy!” Bar­ bara exclaimed. “ I’m so glad I’ve made Him happy on His birthday. I can hardly wait to tell Daddy and Miss Flora.”

I T was the S unday before Christ­ mas. Barbara had gone to Sunday school, while Mother stayed home to care for wee baby John. Soon Mother heard the front gate bang and then she heard Barbara’s voice; as the little girl hurried into the house. “ Mother, Mother, what can I give Him?” cried Barbara. “What is it, dear?” asked Mother. It was plain to be seen that Barbara had run all the way home with this important question, and was quite out of breath. “Why, Mother,” Barbara began between breaths, “ Miss Flora told us this morning that Christmas was Jesus’ e a r t h l y birthday, and we should give Him something on His birthday. Mother, what can I give Him?”

“ Sit down, Barbara,” said Mother, “ and let us talk about it together.” “You and Daddy gave me my lovely doll on my birthday — and I want to give Jesus something He will like very, very much,” began Barbara. “ I might open up my little bank and send my money to the mis­ sionaries.” She thought for a mo­ ment. “ And you know, Mother,” she added hastily, “we’re giving poor Mrs. Beals a Christmas basket.” “Yes, dear, those are splendid things to do. But you want to do something for the Lord Jesus that will please Him most, don’t you? Let us look into God’s Book and see what He would have you give.” Then Mother began reading: “ ‘What shall I render |or give] unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation’ ”



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