wooden cross, which is sometimes called a “ tree” (Gal. 3:13). As you gather about your Christ mas trees on Christmas morning and see all the gifts arranged about the Christmas tree, I’m sure you are interested in discovering how many bear your name. For those with your name on the pretty tag belong to you. I’m so glad that my name and yours were engraved upon God’s Gift—the greatest Gift ever given. Yes, our names are found in John 3:16: “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlast ing life.” Have you discovered the word that means you?. There it is, almost in the middle of the verse — “whoso ever.” What a big-little word this is. It includes everyone in the whole world who “believeth in Him.” "W h a t was the first angelic word That the startled shepherds heard?— 'Fear not!' Beloved, it comes to you A s a Christmas message most sweet and true, A s true for you as it was for them In the lonely fields of Bethlehem; A n d as sweet today as it was that night, W hen the glory dazzled their mortal sight." — Frances Ridley Havergal A C H R IS T M A S W ISH I wish l could hear the angels That came that starry night; I wish I could see the glowing star That shone so clear and bright; But best of all the wondrous sights, That came that wondrous day; I'd love to see the Holy Child W h o in the manger lay. But just as our gifts at Christ mas-time must be received to be en joyed and really owned, so the Lord Jesus, God’s love Gift, must be “ re ceived” or taken. In John 1:12 we read: “ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that be lieve on his name.” To receive Him is to accept Him as the One who died on the cross in our place, bearing our sins. He must be received or taken as our own personal Saviour from our sins. Do you remember the an gel’s message? It was: “ For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (Lk. 2:11). So now at this blessed season, won’t you receive this wonderful Gift of the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? “ Receive” Him today, dear boys and girls, and then you can be sure that this Christmas will be your very happiest one.
GOD’S GIFT TO MAN by Anna L. Dennis N ow that C hristmas is drawing near, we are all trying to think of the gifts we would like to give to those we love. And the thing we say most often these days is, “ I wonder what Mother needs,” or, “ I wonder what Sister needs.” We like to give to those we love the things they need, because then they will use them; and when they do, they will think of us and our love for them. I wonder what you would do if you found out that someone whom you loved very much needed the very best thing you had. I know—if you loved that one enough — you would give him your best, wouldn’t you? This is what our Heavenly Father did for us on that first Christmas day so long ago. The thing we needed most claimed the best that He had. He knew that everybody needed a Friend who would be a Saviour for sinners. (Rom. 3:23.) There was only One who could meet "A h , dearest Jesus, Holy Child, M a ke Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, W ithin my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. M y heart for very joy doth leap, M y lips no more can silence keep, I too must sing, with joyful tongue, That sweetest ancient cradle song, 'G lory to God in highest heaven, W h o unto man H is Son hath given.' W hile angels sing, with pious mirth, A glad New Year to all the earth." — M artin Luther this great need, and that One was God’s best — His only, beloved Son. “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It is because of God’s won drous gift of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus, that we give at this blessed season of the year. “ Freely ye have received, freely give.” When we receive our gifts at Christmas-time, we say “ thank you” to those who gave them to us. Shall we not also remember to say “ thank you” to God our Heavenly Father for the best Gift of all — the Lord Jesus? Long ago, one who had re ceived the Lord Jesus as his Saviour said “ thank you” in this wonderful verse found in God’s Word: “ Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” Let us all say it from hearts at His happy Christmas season!
Our Christmas Gifts C hristmas - time is the season of gifts. What would be your an swer, boys and girls, if you were asked whether you have ever re ceived the greatest gift that has evei- been given to this world? Would you be able to say, “ Yes, I have the great est gift ever given” ? Remember that even though -you might have many packages about your Christ mas tree and though you might re ceive many costly gifts, if you do not have this greatest of all gifts, you are very poor indeed. Some people think they possess the greatest gift when, to keep as their very own, they receive houses and automobiles and diamonds and gold, but many who have all of these things are sad and lonely. Those who have the greatest Gift of all have j o y and pe a c e and re st. Now wouldn’t you like to possess this great and wonderful Gift? This Gift, as perhaps you have guessed by now, is a Person. You may read about Him in John 3:16: “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believ eth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Yes, the greatest and most wonderful Gift ever given to people on this earth was the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son. If you have re ceived Him as your Saviour, you in deed have the greatest of all gifts. Many of our gifts at Christmas time are hung upon Christmas trees. Did you know that our heavenly Father’s Gift to us was hung upon a “ tree” ? It was not a beautiful tree decorated with tinsel and stars and toys, for the Lord Jesus died upon a
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