Dr. Ray A. Myers (second from right) is feted at special dinner. Flanking him from the left is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola President, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Biola Chancellor, and Mr. Roger Arnebergh, Los Angeles City Attorney, and member of the Biola A Board of Directors. h ' 4 Christian Leader Honored
Dr. Sutherland presented a spe cial resolution to Dr. Myers, com mending him for his dedication to the work of the Lord, and for his deep and abiding personal interest in the new Biola La Mirada campus. Dr. Sutherland then reported on the present status o f the Nancy Myers Nauman Student Aid Fund, set up recently by the Myers family as a living memorial to the Myers’ daughter, Nancy, who died quite suddenly in 1953. She was a gradu ate of Biola. Dr. Sutherland said that literally TH E K IN G 'S BU SINESS
ily name, and the start of the com pany’s 65th year in business here. Highlight of the m o n t h - l o n g triple observance was an invitation al testimonial dinner in the Statler Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, attended by some 300 of the Southland’s business, civic and social leaders, all of whom had known Dr. Myers per sonally for 25 years or more. Among the special guest speakers were Dr. S. H. Sutherland, presi dent of Biola College, and Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
D r . R ay A. M yers , a member of Biola’s board of directors for more than a quarter of a century, and its chairman since 1940, dur ing which time he supervised the building of the first phase of the col lege’s new $3 million campus at La Mirada, was honored last month by the City and County of Los Ange les, Biola College and the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles, as well as a host of friends, on the occasion of his 70th birthday anniversary, com pletion of 50 years as head of the construction firm that bears his fam
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