Classified Ads 15 CEN TS PER W O R D — M IN IM U M $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PU RCH ASED — A ny size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. H ERE'S THE AN SW ER is the title of one of Amer ica's most effective soul winning booklets con taining God's Plan of Salvation — Selected Scrip tures — Suggestions for Christian Living — and Four Soul-reaching Hymns. Used worldwide by Christian workers of various denominations in the ministry of soul winning. You too can be a "SO U L W IN N E R ." Order a supply today: 15 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00; Sample Copies 10c. Christian Evan gelical Association, Box 528, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. FREE TO MINISTERS: Sample new magazine for preachers, SHEPH ERD'S STAFF (outlines, etc.). Editor Ward Chandler. Write Box 5056, Pasadena, California. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. W ork Guaran teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green wood, Mississippi. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Miss Jerrie Cobb, famed aviatrix, flew the “ Spirit of Indiana” from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Colombia, South America, where it was re ceived my the Minister of the Gov ernment of Colombia. The plane is a gift from Christian citizens of Indianapolis for the work of the Summer Institute of Linguistics and the Wycliffe Bible Translators with Colombia’s indigenous tribes. The aircraft is one of the fleet of planes given by twelve United States cities to the Summer Institute of Linguis tics for use in countries in which they serve as a “ Peace Corps with wings and a soul.” The “ Spirit of San Diego” recently was given by the city of San Diego to the organi zation for the indigenous tribes in the Philippines. Miss Rachel Saint, sister of one of the five men martyred in January of 1956 in the Amazon jungles by the savage Auca Indians, has just com pleted the translation of the Gospel of Mark in the Auca language. Miss Saint of the Wycliffe Bible Transla tors and her language helper, Dayu- ma, have been living in the Auca village of Tiwaeno among the men who killed her brother. Now all five of the men who shared in the act have become Christians. Miss Saint gives thanks for the various means through which God has worked to change the seeming tragedy into triumph. Raymond W. Dalton, a former pro- duction materials co-ordinator for General Electric Company, has be
Illinois. Having served as sales and marketing manager of several large firms in the Midwest and East, Mr. Baker is well qualified to co-ordinate the various functions included in the expanded Marketing Division of Scripture Press. Dick Hillis, general director of Over seas Crusades, recently announced the release of a new missionary film, “ Inhale the Incense.” This 30-minute color drama was filmed in Hong Kong by Ken Anderson Productions. The film ushers the viewer inside heathen temples to observe idol worship in the Orient, and causes him to probe into rarely-searched areas of his own heart. This unforgettable message was born in the heart of Dr. Hillis who has been a missionary to China and the Far East for over 25 years. Further information may be ob tained by writing to Overseas Cru sades, Post Office Box 66, Palo Alto, California. Richard Halverson, acting President of World Vision, Inc., is pictured below turning the first spadeful of earth for the new missionary supply center and office building for World Vision’s International Headquarters. Dignitaries of the organization, civic officials of Monrovia, California, and honored guests shared in the ground breaking for the building. Enjoying
THROUGHOUT SOUTHO N CALIFORNIA tistem < • * . , KBBI F M ★ 107.5 me 19,600watts ★ 6:00 A .M . to 12:00 Midnight
come business man- a g e r o f V E N T U R E , a b o y s’ magazine published by Christian Serv ice B r i ga d e . Mr. Dalton will be re sponsible f o r ad vertising and cir culation along with th e general busi ness management.
the act are (kneeling in foreground, left) J. B. Earl, President of The O. K. Earl Corporation who designed and will construct the 30,000 square foot building; (and right) Dr. Carl ton F. Booth; (standing from left) Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, World Vision’s Exec utive Vice President; Rodger Ferguson, Monrovia City Councilman; John Mc- Bratney, President of the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Halverson; Dr. J. Christy Wilson; and Claude Edwards, President of Alpha Beta Markets and a member of World Vision’s Board of Directors.
VENTURE was started in 1959 and is geared to boys ages 8 to 18. Sports features, how-to-do-its, Bible studies, Christian fiction and other inspira tional articles make up the monthly publication. Paul D. Nyberg is the editor. Mr. Dalton Donald C. Baker o f Centerport, New York has recently become the Direc tor of Marketing Division of Scrip ture Press Publications, Wheaton,
"The Bible Institute Hour” K B B I 107.5 me 8:30 A .M . Monday through Friday
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