...the literary masterpiece of this generation This new translation is the sum total of the monumental American Standard Version of 1901, plus twenty-five thousand hours of the latest scholarly research. The language is grammatically correct, contemporary Eng lish. Faithful to the original Greek text, this translation confirms the position of the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal Living Word! t h e n e w A m e r ic a n s t a n d a r d T s ib l e - n e w t e s t a m e n t is the major contribution of Press, andTheWorld Publishing Company. At your bookstore....................................
our generation to Biblical literature. For personal read ing and public worship, t h e n e w A m e r ic a n s t a n d a r d b ib l e - n e w t e s t a m e n t is destined to surpass all other versions and translations of Holy Scripture. Produced by The Lockman Foundation. Published by The Founda tion Press and co-published by Broadman Press, Moody
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